"Wow" and "Wow, Ow!"

on 4/13/07 10:37 am - Spokane, WA
This is a thrilling week...after waiting five years my husband has begun construction of a pantry addition to my kitchen. Now that I am eating and cooking so differently it will be fun planning what features to include in this pantry. I have already begun a purge of my former baking equipment and such. That's my 'wow'. Now for the 'Wow, Ow'...sorry guys...female-related. I know all about the fat-releasing-the-stored-hormones thing and have experienced a fair amount of it in the last few months. But today I thought I wanted to die from cramps. On the ol' hospital scale of 1-10 for pain this was a ten for sure. I think it was every bit as bad as labor pains...I could barely breathe it hurt so bad. DH wanted to know if he should take me to the hospital and I whispered no. Couldn't bear the thought of moving. I will admit right here and now, publicly, I broke down and took ONE ibuprofen. It was just enough to take the edge off the pain and let me feel better. I will not take any more for this cycle and won't resort to it again unless faced with this same degree of cramping next month and only one dose. This is a vow. I refuse to endanger my ulcers and my new pouch but understand the reality of this pain. You can bet that next week I'll be calling the gyn. for a check-up because this type of pain is NOT normal for me and I want to get a professional opinion on a better way to handle this pain. However, I have no plans on trying to cheat the rules of the pouch and think that publicly admitting to the ibuprofen use today is a necessity for me. Molly
Heather M.
on 4/13/07 12:11 pm - Modesto, CA
I hear ya. Doubled over in the cubicle today if I'd had my Aleve handy, instead of the damn Tylenol.. I would have taken it!
on 4/13/07 8:00 pm - Ceres, CA
OMG, I was just there a few weeks ago. Pain like I never felt before. I saw my OB/GYn and he said ,look away fellas, my uterus has decided to get in a tissy and tilt. I have never had any issues like this before but apparently my low immune system has thrown my whole body into system alert. Ibuprophen is such a no no but after the 6 500 mg tylenol I took that day I would have given my legs for an ibuprophen. Hope you are feeling better. Brina
on 4/13/07 9:26 pm - Spokane, WA
Brina, I never even considered the 'tilt' factor. Mine has always been tilted and my past gyns have always been surprised that I could get pregnant so easily. Do you suppose that without as much fat around the old girl the tilted-ness is what is making the cramps so awful? I'd been thin for about 6 years as a young woman but never, ever had cramps like this before. Hmm.... And here I was afraid that I either had another cyst forming in there or maybe it was the beginnings of mentalpause for me. All I can say is don't take any Hydrocodone for cramps if you have ulcers. Yikes, between pouchie screaming at me for that and the cramps themselves it was not a pleasant day. Today will be better!!! Molly...back to a liquid diet today of protein shakes, carafate and prilosec!
on 4/14/07 8:07 am - Ceres, CA
I had my first dump last week and did not even get to enjoy the food to cause it. I took some liquid tylenol w/ codein and the sugar in it made me dump. OMG does it freakin hurt. Be careful with the hydrocodone if it is liquid too it can send you in a world of hurt. Brina
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