Hair loss options
Well I dreaded it and hoped it would not happen to me... but it has!
When I wash my hair in the morning a ton seems to come out in my hand.
I am trying not to panic. My H says my hair does not look any different to him and a friend says she can not tell a difference.
I was thinking about maybe getting a perm, but I am kind of afraid to put any chemicals on it. I don't really want to et it cut short, but would that be better?

Me too, me too! I am losing it in full strands, half strands, tiny strands, it's all there when I blow dry it...wild, isn't it?
Here's the deal on can use it, but my stylist says it is money down the drain, as it's best for people who need it consistently for life. She advised I continue on the biotin pill (hair, skin, nails), and push through it. A stylist who did NOT try to sell me a product??? I am going to go with her on this one...and save my money for new clothes.
Hang in there

I feel your pain because I am losing alot of hair too. It is scary I am starting to really notice it. It really is upsetting I hope it doesnt last. My nutrtionist said it could be a lack of protein or lack of taking vitamins. so I am making sure that i get enough protein, I hope it stops soon. I have also started taking the biotin not sure if it is working yet, I also heard the Nioxin doesnt work.
When was the last time you had your protein level checked?
I'm 17 weeks as of tomorrow, and still not any hair loss over the normal pre-surgery. I take 4mg of Biotin a day, plus my liquid calcium with Magnesium & Zinc (both also debated if they help with no hair loss).
My last lab value for protein was 7.2 (PA says they want 7 or higher).
I definitely wouldn't perm my hair, and if you have super long hair.. a trim of a couple of inches might "lighten" the predicament some (as you won't have 10 inch hair clogging your drain) and give the illusion of less hair loss.
I hope it resolves soon for you!
Bet they will give you the numbers. I was shown all my results and can't remember any of the numbers but they were all good, like yours. When my hair started falling about abt. 7 weeks ago I got to the stylist and had around 4" cut off so that it wouldn't look so traumatic in the shower drain. That has helped but I still can't wait for it to stop falling out and start growing longer again. I just don't like my hair shorter.
Plus the mess is annoying. There is hair on everything, ack!