Newbie to the board
Hey everybody,
Just thought Id drop in to see what this forum is all about,You can say I am new to this board.
I myself had my surgery on Dec.12th.I had my surgery done in Sedalia,Missouri by Dr.Horbostel who I thought gave me a new life as we speak.He is a heck of a surgeon and if I had a choice would do it all over again.
Well, Anyways on my surgery date I was at 412lbs and now I am at 308lbs a little over a 100lbs loss,I wish I could say I do my excersises but I havn't due to back problems,so all this weight I've lost is due to eating very little as I dont really care for it like I used to.I do eat a bowl of salad in the morning and a couple of tamales in the Evening, Everyday like clockwork,Oh' and a protein shake in the morning and one at night. I am still trying to eat other meat but just cant,It just doesn't go down to well,so I don't even try anymore not for a long while.
Well,enough babbling about myself,now I found others who had their surgery around the same time as me,thats just awsome.I will for sure add this to my favorites so I can come in everyday to say hi...So hi everyone!!!
Hey Tony,
Over 100lbs..........awesome. 

I hear you on the excersise. I get out and walk a couple times a week. I have been able to eat meat. I stay FAR away from any types of carbs....except whats in my milk. Have to have my fat free milk for my protein shake. I have been tracking all my intake on A very cool site. I had my surgery on Dec 19th. So I am just over 3 months out and have lost 63 lbs. I still find that so amazing. I too am very thankful to my surgeon that he gave me such a wonderful tool. I bet you feel so much better with just the 100+ lbs gone. Just think of how it will be 18 months out. I am still in awe of this surgery. Sorry now I am babbling. Congrats and welcome to the Dec board. Here's to more weight loss and getting healthy.

Hi Corinn,
Just want to thankyou for the reply,and It sounds like your doin an awsome job yourself as well,keep up the great work.
I do feel a little lighter since I've lost some weight,but my back seems to have gotten worse,you would think it would be a little better but nope it isn't.
Okies, I better go pick up my son from School but you keep up the awsome job hun and Godbless.