12/19/06 surgery date and....
I am down 50 lbs as of today....I am in shock, and awe. I have never lost more than 47 lbs in my life, on any diet, and of course, always gained it back in the end.
I truly view this tool as a blessing, and I guess, this was my first WOW moment, as I am now excited to see what lies ahead, for the first time. I still see the same person in the mirror each day, but my coworkers can't stop talking about all the changes they see in me! I hope to agree with them one day soon.
We're all doing great! Keep up the good work....
Hockey mom:
Thanks for the kudos, and to you as well! I am not fixaed on the number of lbs lost so much as I am shocked that it works. I really truly had this fantasy that I would be the one person this procedure "didn't take" with.....and joked about it regularly. I am coming to the realization I can't deny it now...
I can't wait until my head/psyche catches up with my body
Have a good one,

My surgery was also the same day and I have lost 52 pounds. It is so much fun trying on clothes that have been packed away. Another major thing for me was fitting into my husbands jeans. I have never been able to wear his jeans. It was awesome. My problem is that I am starting to crave things like soda and popcorn and stuff. I haven't had any of it but I have to at least have a cracker or something in between meals.
Anyway congrats to you all!!
This is a pretty wild ride. I am fortunate to be entering week #10 and enjoying eating. It's not painful, I am not regulary vomiting it back up, and I am feeling physically ok.
I also think I moving into another lull (I prefer lull to stall as we all know we can lose inches during this time), and am ok with that...a weight loss usually follows a lull, for me.
I just stick to the program, get in my water, vitamins, and exercise at least a half hour each day. I figure it's a good start.
Congrats to everyone out there, and let's keep the December '06 group moving!