So I'm 3 weeks post op. Feeling great. Go to my appt. tomorrow but I have one pondering question on my mind that I can't seem to shake. Why is it that I've lost 30 pounds post op and a total of 65 pounds since Nov. yet I still fit into all of my clothes. They fit just right. Shouldn't they be falling off me by now? I swear sometimes I wonder if it's me.

I had the same question. I have lost 22 pounds and still fit into some of my size 18 pants. My top part has really lost weight and I am able to fit into shirts that I could not wear before.
But..I can also fit into my 16 pants, they feel better. It seems as though I was wearing them too tight because now they feel good and have gotten longer (due to less bulk).
Also, different designers and sizes vary and the sizes may not be the same.
You have done an excellent job though!
I was wondering the same thing. I'm down now 32lbs and I'm still wearing the same size?? They fit different but why aren't they just too big? Is it because we're too anxious?
I wish I could wear smaller sizes already. Maybe we just had them way toooo tight? lol I'm very curious to know that too

I am down 18 pounds in 2 weeks. I think when we get as big as we did, we sometimes wear the stretchy clothes a bit tighter praying to God that we don't have to go to a bigger size. I was between a 28 and a 30. Quite large. I put on those pants and they are getting more comfortable and looser. 30 pounds at our weight is so different than 30 pounds at say 150. The clothes sizes will change. Do not worry. Make sure you are doing what your surgeon says and it will happen.
I was also noticing today when choosing something to wear (I'm 5 weeks out, and 30 some pounds down and still in the same clothes pretty much)...that most of my things are shapeless shirts and skirts/pants with elastic waists. With those clothing choices, I imagine I could gain or lose 50 pounds and still wear the same thing...the clothes just stretch less. At least that's what I'm hoping.
I think that stores like AVENUE, LANE BRYANT AND CATHERINES are cut gernerously and have a sliding scale size thing. They tend to grow with you so that as you put on the pounds you don't notice the tightness right away. At least in my case I gained over 30lbs and was still fitting the size 26's albeit a lot fuller. Consequently as you lose you may first be losing pounds not inches right away.
Just my theory