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Has anyone noticed how much food is in the media lately? I tell ya, I can not blink without seeing some form of delicious looking food everywhere. I do not feel hunger or fullnes as of yet but when I see these ad's I feel mentally hungry. No wonder we have become a society of obese over eaters. I am really shocked at how much people eat too. I used to go to Mc d"s and Supersize everything, plus 2 pies. Now I see my DH get a large and my eyes pop out of my head. Ok, that is my rant for the day, just thought I would see what your views are on this.
Hockey Mom, I laughed for half an hour when I rad your post because I've been doing the exact same thing. My husband thinks I'm insane too! It's wierd becasue I'm not really interested in cooking or eating so it's not like I try to recreate anything I see on the Food network shows. But yet I find myself watching it ALL THE TIME! LOL
I can't belive I'm not the only one doing that post op. I love it! ROFL!

Sabrina- It makes me so happy to see that I'm not the only crazy one out there, only my DH is also a classically trained chef whose motto is "Afraid of butter? Try lard!" I have never been so conscious of HIS portions and, quite honestly, it really startled me. But we can just rest easy with the fact that all of this does get a reaction out of us, so we are training our brains! Just a note, ever see the Applebee's commercial where a chicken entree included 2 giant breasts of chicken. We could get 8 meals out of that, now!
YES! The commercials seem worse now and I wonder how much of it is our sensitivity to food issues and how much of it is the food chains trying to counteract the annual January diet binging in America. Have you also noticed the amazing amount of weight loss shows on cable this month? Maybe it is that way every January and I never really paid attention before but it sure is noticeable now!
BTW, one of the many shows on this month was 'Supersize Me' and I watched it for the first time. What an eye opener!!! I think I was probably one of those heavy or super heavy users they talk about in that industry. Where I work, people eat a lot of Burger King and Anthony's Pizza (military base...that is what is available) and I'm sure when I go back to work it is going to be tough to see and smell that all the time.