I'm home and sore
Congrats on your surgery and making it home. Being home is a big deal when you have been away. I had the gas pains when I was in the hospital and they told me to walk, walk, and walk. Also if you move your shoulders around that will also help. It will be painful for a while but, then it usually goes away. I didn't have the gas pains once I got home so I was luck on that end.
Good Luck.... Just walk....
I completely agree with the others...WALK WALK WALK I did laps in the house too! I didn't sleep very well for the first few nights at home. As much as it hurt, I had to walk around. Never be so excited to pass gas! After doing laps at 3am I'd go to the bathroom and pray to the fart gods lol Then I could go back to sleep for a couple more hours. Congrats to you for going to the other side. You'll do well and Happy New Year to you