My Wow moment, tomorrow is the last day I can eat anything I want for the rest of my life!
ok wow, this is a serious milestone. I just got a wow moment. New Years Eve is the big day to eat anything I want to for the rest of my life.!!
New Years Day I start on the protien drinks medi fast diet with one lean and green meal for dinner. I will eat spinach, fish, turkey, chicken and maybe lean beef once or twice...for the next two weeks.
Then I should be having my GBS on Jan 15th.
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Please remember me in your prayers.
Thank you
Thank you so much everyone. Yes, I am going to just have a nice meal with my family at home, and a quiet New Years Eve like I do every year. I think the hard part will be drinking all these nasty shakes from Medi fast.....but yes the lean and green meal will help alot for dinner. Thats the only real meal I eat anyway. Than I can just cook a potatoe or noodles for my hubby and too bad. I want this all over uneventful surgery and no complications during or after, thats my main concern.
thanks again, and please do say a prayer for me, as I am praying for all of you
Happy New Year, and Happy new you