Blender Recipes Anyone?
Well my dietician gave me recipe ideas. Here is what they suggest:
For starters:
2 scoops of favorite protein powder
4 oz water
1 cup crushed ice
Use after 1 month
1 inch frozen banana, mango or peach chuck
2 frozen strawberries
2 frozen cherries
5 frozen blueberries
1 TBSP creamy peanut butter
Vanilla extract, almond extract, coconut extract, peppermint extract, root beer extract, sugar-free Hazelnut creamer, sugar-free french vanilla creamer, sugar-free kool-aid, crystal lite, instant decaf coffee crystals, pure cocoa powder
Measure the protein powder and water into a blender. Add the crushed ice, along with ONE additive and any flavoring ingredients you have chosen. Quickly pulse the blender on and off until the shake is well blended, creamy and frosty. Do not add more liquid; the ice with liquefy to produce a smooth consistency. Make shakes in smaller batches if you are unable to finish one before it gets warm.
I almost forgot this was in my nutrition book. So thanks for reminding me there are more options to help with protein drinks!! Hope this helps!!
Good luck,
I'm almost two weeks post op. I took the various foods available to me this week by my doctor and made some delicious home made soup. Boiled the chicken carcass to get a wonderful stock. Added peas, carrots, green beans, bay leaf and some salt and pepper. Added the chicken meat back in. My family loved it (even the three year old). I took the immersion blender to it and pureed the heck out of it. It was really comforting
It's not fruit, but it is doable in a blender