Can't sleep on back any longer!
I am 11 days post-op, I came home from the hospital sick of being on my back. I just can not sleep that way. It was not long until I was sleeping on my side, no one said I couldn't and it was not uncomfortable.
A couple of time the last two nights I have woke up to find myself laying on my stomach!
Now I am sure this is not a good idea and I immediately rolled over.
Did your Dr. tell you not to sleep on your side?

I know I am so sick of sleeping on my back. I've started to lay on my side and put pillows beside me because my belly kind of shifts, if you know what I mean. And also my back is killing me!! Does anybody elses? It has been hurting for over a week. And my back has never hurt so bad during the day! Not even when I had two c-sections and was laying on my back too. So I don't know what the deal is. I sleep all night and have no problem but I wake up so tired and sore. I am ready to sleep on my tummy again!!!!

I had my surgery (open RNY) on 12/15/06 and I was also miserable on my back. When I came home, 3 days post-op, I just went ahead and slept on my side and stomach with a pillow under me and I was fine. They told me there were no restrictions regarding sleeping position. Sleeping was even easier after the staples came out. Good luck to you. I am having a hard time drinking enough water. Anyone else with this problem, or any good solutions? I seem to completely forget about eating or drinking.
Thanks, and good luck Rebecca,
I felt the same way. I decided to prop a pillow on my side and sleep. I slept like a baby the first night. The second night, I did the same thing. However, the morning of the second night I had pain by my larger incision. I hadn't taken any pain medication after being dismissed from the hospital but took some Tylenol for this pain. Because of that, I am going to try and sleep on my back tonight, but will see. My doctor did not say anything to me about how I could or could not sleep. I would try it, but take it easy!