Heart racing (arrhythmia)
I just had my surgery last week and I am doing great. I feel fine besides the horrible back ache that I've never had in my life before and my heart is racing. I checked my heart rate and it is 120 just walking around the house-about 80 just sitting. But that was about 2 a.m. when I was taking care of my sick 3 year old (poor girl). Anyway I just had my doc appointment yesterday and he wanted me to get lab work done today. I've had palpitations before when I was pregnant with my daughter and sometimes when I work out at Curves. I get lightheaded and feel like my heart is going to come out of my chest. Anybody else experience anything like this? I was just curious what they could do to me. Also when I was pregnant and went to ER for it my EKG was fine. So was my preop EKG so I don't know what to expect.
Oh PS I weighed 19 lbs less at the doc yesterday just 10 days after surgery. I lost 3 before that so I am at 22 lbs gone. I am so excited!!!
I've never taken anything for anxiety so I don't know why he gave it to me. I just think since I've had these before that my body is just trying to adjust to the change. But that's my opinion. I filled the prescription anyway just in case I have a bad day at work, which is a preschool. You never know what those little angels
will do!!