I'm home and feeling very blue:-(
My surgery was on Monday the 18th. I don't remember much except that my blood pressure kept dropping very low and the kept pushing iv fluid, so I gained 30+ pounds. I felt miserable, then I remember hearing that my grandmother had passed away. I am home now and my kids are here with me, ages 8 and 12 but I feel like I am being a horrible mom, becuase I can't do anything for them. I am in pain if I don't take my meds exactly on time and I keep forgetting what I've taken and when to take. maybe it is just one of those days, because I am completely depressed right now. Bridget
Bridget -
My surgery was on the 13th and I had very similar feelings. At one point midst all the pain and the meds I kept telling my family I was regretting doing the surgery. I was just plain down in the dumbs. Of course now I am feeling better and am not thinking those thoughts anymore. It is common to forget when you have taken your meds, especially at night. Try writing it down with the time you took it, that is what helped me.
Get some rest, in a few days you will be feeling 70% better.
Bridget.......I feel your pain. My kids are 5 and 10. My 10yr old has a handle on things and knows mommy will be better soon, but my 5 yr old is having trouble. I had mine a day after you. I just got home yesterday. I am trying to stay positive. I know in a few weeks things will start to be getting back to normal. Take care. Do you have someone to call if that depression starts getting out of control? I hope you do. Relax, we did this for our health. It will get better. Try to have a good Christmas.
Welcome home!
Just to let you know, one of the main side effects of the meds they give you during anesthesia can cause depression/crying spells for about 2 weeks post-op. you may also have weird dreams and feel sleepy/loopy as well. ---that was the nurse in me speaking
i'm one week post op now and can tell the emotional up's and down's are happening to me as well. I miss the food eventhough i'm not hungry but i spend so much time with food and thinking about food, that it's weird right now. BUT i do alot of soul searching to replace food with something better. sofar i like to just pamper myself and focus on how brave i was to battle the "dragon".
remember, you are a warrior too!
My surgery was Monday the 4th. I have had similar issues with depression. I am also nauseated all of the time, even now, and my doc says that some people stay nauseated for up to 3 months or so.
Still, I took the big step, and I am glad (most of the time). Just try to hang in there and remember how brave you are to have taken that step that is going to make you a healthy person.
I also told my husband that I made a horrible mistake having the surgery. I know things will get better for all of us December surgeries. We just have to take it a day at a time.
Let's all just try to hang in there together.