Vitamins and Protein Shakes, YUCK!!!
I know I have to have them but do the vitamins have to be chewable. Can we take a tablet or is there a liquid form? I must have a gag reflex or its just in my head but I can not keep the chewables down. Any advice?
What protein shakes do you like? I tried the Low Carb Slim Fast and I did not like it! Help!!!

There is nothing saying you can't try liquid vitamins. The pills are going to be to much for your new pouch yet. I have found a protien drink I like. It's called Profect. Put them in the frige and they are great. No protien taste at all. They are a bit pricey but they have a lot of protien in one 3oz drink. You can buy a 4 pack sample, 4 different flavs, on line at . I hope you find something to your liking. I also read that some people like UNJURY brand unflavored protien. They mix it with crystal light. You might want to go to also and check that out. Best of luck to you.
Sorry you are having trouble with the vitamins. I can't tolerate the proteins right now, they really upset my intestines. My nut. says not to worry about the protien right now in the first few weeks and to concentrate on the liquids so I am sticking with really liquidy soups and have found I can stand Naturade 100% soy mixed in with some of them. Doesn't taste that strongly and doesn't upset my system.
I'm using Optisource bariatric chewables and like the taste well enough...espescially helpful to chew one right after I have to take my powder-ized blood pressure pills. They are so hideously nasty that it is wonderful to have a vitamin to chew right away to help get the flavor out of my mouth. Ugh...can't wait till I can start swallowing pills again.
I felt exactly the same way!! Don't worry. I had surgery Dec. 8th and I'm O.K., The chewables are only for the first two months, my doct. office had flavored kind, not as bad. And the protein shakes, do them in the blender with 4-5 peices of ice. This helps. But my doct. would not let me do Slim Fast. Go to GNC and and get 100% Whey, I use the Strawberry. It's pretty good. Good luck!