Just a Hi and Good Luck to all
Hi my fellow Decemberarians,
It is nice to hear from a couple of you who are recovering.
I am having mine in one week, and I am wondering about protein too. I went to the Vitamin Shoppe and bought a couple of different kinds - one is a cinnamin bun flavored powder and the others are liquid. Did you all try them before surgery or did you wait? I hear our tastes will change dramatically, so I haven't opened mine yet.
Good luck to all who are in the surgery-yet-to-come catagory with me. My throat is a bit scratchy and I am fighting off a small cold that I hope stays small. I haven't been any kind of sick in four years!
Here's to a "loser' of a year!

Hi Nancy,
I'm almost two weeks out myself and I'm drinking the meal replacement drinks from bariatrics advantage. I love the strawberry and choc. You're good to get some different kinds. It will be helpful to to have a variety, cause you may get tired of them.
I want to wish you the best of luck in the coming weeks!!!
HI Joanne,
Thanks for the words of hope. I just have to get over this darn cough because I refuse to delay my surgery. Sorry you are feeling hungry, but happy that you are dealing with it carefully, I think. I am still hoping to not be hungry.
I wish I was where you are, but I can wait out my six days. At least it sounds like your recovery, pain wise, was good.
Keep your head up and keep losing until it is all gone,