Home and feeling great!!
Well, my surgery was at 8am on 12/6 and I headed home at 4pm 12/7. Everything went great, the folks at the hospital were fantastic, and I am feeling very well. Yesterday I felt like I had been kicked by a horse... now it just feels like a pony
The water, broth and surgar free jello are going down fine and I have not used any pain medication since taking a half dose at 6am this morning. I'm not going to pretend that it was fun... hospital/surgery is no one's comfort zone... but everything went well and I could feel imporvement with every moment so I knew I would be feeling better soon. So to folks still waiting, be strong, have faith in your surgeon, pray for our surgeon, know that many people are praying for you, and know that the surgery part of the process is just a tiny part of the whole life changing event. I am confident that the tough part is yet to come, and we will all be there for each other through that part too!

Glad things are going well for you. They are for me too. (12/4 surgery)
I can see where the liguids are going to get old but for now its ok. I just keep
telling myself it is temporary and soon I can eat real foods. hee! My stomach isn't really hungry for solids just my head...
I just feel very fortunate that I haven't had any problems except soreness around port site. Hope you have continued success.