I need some prayers and reassurance, please!
I was recently approved for lap band, but that was the wrong WLS, so my Dr.'s office had to file again. Today I was finally approved for Lap RNY, and she had alreday scheduled me for Dec. 27 @ 8 AM (she figured if they had approved me for the other one then it wouldn't be a big issue, and lucky for me it wasn't)! But I am a nervous wreck!! I have 4 little ones under the age of 8, and my husband isn't very good with them, nor is he very supportive right now. He was at first; I guess he didn't think I'd be approved! I am SOO scared that something could go wrong, and although I'm doing this for myself and for them as well, I can't help but think what if... please pray for me, because I really need it right now!
First I want to say congratulations on getting approved for the surgery you want.
Second, if you picked the doctor, you picked them for a reason. Trust yourself that you've made the decision that was right for you. I think you'll be fine.
Third, I'm sorry you're husband isn't as supportive as you would like. Do you have someone else to help you out the first week? I think if you can get past the first week you'll be fine in terms of taking care of the kids.
I really want to wish you the best of luck and I will keep you in my prayers.
Thank You so much, Joanne. As far as the first week, I will leave my 2 oldest daughters (ages 7 & 6) with my mom, and my 3 yr. old daughter and my son who is almost 2 will stay with my husband. So part of my work will be cut in half. I think my husband is slowly getting used to the idea, so we'll see how he does. Thanks again, and thank you for your prayers.
I'll pray for you. .... There. God knows about about what you need, and how you need it. Trust in yourself. God not only gave you faith, he gave you a masterfully working brain to figure out what you need and how you need it. Trust Him. Also, trust your husband. Sometimes us men-folk just need a challenge to drive us to greatness. I hope your husband will learn how you need to be supported, and will choose to follow through. Remember the quote "We can only appreciate the miracle of a sunrise if we have waited in darkness". I've looked for the author but can't seem to find it. You'll get through it masterfully. Remember that you are a daughter of God, and in being so have a Father that not only created you but loves you as you love your own children...only so much more.
I sincerely thank you for your thoughts and prayers. You know the Lord, and you must also know the peace that fills you when you know He is listening, and when He answers your prayers. That's how I feel today, and I have my brothers and sisters at OH to thank! I feel His arms wrapped around me, and I have faltered in my faith and therefore not felt that in a long time. Let me tell you that today I feel wondreful, all fear has been lifted from my heart, and now I'm just totally excited and ready to move forward! I can totally relate to the quote, and I , too, will try to find the author. I really needed that support! Thank You from the bottom of my heart!!
I am right there too. WLS, Lap RNY on 12-28@ 830. I am a wreck also. I have 2 children, 5&9. I volunteered my mother-in-law to fly in and help my husband, which they don't get along too well(long story). But anyways, have family and friends check in and help your husband. He'll do fine. My husband is supportive, he knows how miserable I have been. There are days I ask myself if I am doing the right thing, and then I reassure myself things will be just fine. I believe God will see me through this and I will be just fine. I'll pray for you, just remember you are not alone in this great journey we have been blessed.
I wish you the best on our big day! Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you, and I know now that we will be just fine. I will trust in the Lord as I have before. (My son, age 21 mos. has had 2 heart surgeries and 1 stomach surgery. Once as I prayed over him I saw the image of God's hands enveloping the surgeon's hands, and immediately all fear was lifted from me. That's how I feel today.) Since my weight has been a big issue with my mom all of my life (she did the impossible to see me skinny), I have chosen not to tell her I'm having this procedure done. She will be taking care of my two oldest babies, ages 7 & 6, but she thinks she's just getting them for the holidays
! I want to give her a nice surprise. My husband and his family will help with my 3 yr. old daughter and my baby boy. The hospital is an hour and a half away from my home, and if he chooses he doesn't have to be there the whole time. I know it's gonna be hard on him, and I understand. You are absoultely right that we have been blessed, and I'm so thankful to God for that! Please keep in touch, and thanks again!