Did anyone have to go on a pre-op diet to shrink the liver ????
Thanks for your respones, it is hard for me to. I drink one Low Carb Slim Fast for breadfast and one for lunch and then a very small dinner. I'm hoping it will not be hard for much longer my wls is 12/20 keep in touch you will stay in my prayers.
Did you start packing yet? Did you buy your post-op foods?

hey, Jacob
Thank you for your respones. Am glad I'm not alone this diet is not the worse but I guess my mind is just use to eating when ever I want. So I feel hungry all the time stay strong we can do it do not cheat it not worth it (I talking to my self to).You will stay in my prayers
keep in touch and let me know how your surgery went. Are you ready with your post-op needs?

Hi, yes I had to go on a total liquid diet for 3 1/2 weeks before my lapband surgery, which was on Dec. 4th. My Dr. had me on Optifast, 4 shakes per day and 1 Optifast candy bar, plus any sugar free jello and broth that you wanted. Basically any clear fluid. If you put your mind in the right spot it's not too hard to stick to. Today I am 4 days post-op and have no desire to eat yet, the liquids are fine for me now. I have even cooked diner for my family yesterday. I enjoyed smelling the food. Stick to it and good luck with your surgery.

I just got my lap band on 12/5 and I did 10 days of liquids preop. One thing that really helped me was Atkins Advantage shakes with 15 grm of protein. They stayed with me a lot longer than the CIB with skim milk. I drank hot broth, had jello, popsicles and 5-6 mike or protein drinks a day. After 3 days your appestat shuts down if you don't eat, so it gets easier. Take care. You can do it. If I can anyone can. It was good to go in the OR being 8 pounds down too.