My surgery is approaching quickly and i still dont have an angel.. Im beginning to think no-one likes me..I woke this morning to a phone call from my cousin and she told me my aunt is in the hospital dying from cancer.. I dont think i could take the pain if she dies.. starting to reconsider this whole thing.. I dont know what i should do..I could really use an angel right about now...

I wish I could be your angel but I am all the way across the country in Tennessee.
I could be your long distance well wishes fairy
though! I'm sorry to hear about your aunt but please don't let this stop your surgery. I'm sure your aunt loves you very much and wants you to be healthy! I'm thinking of you!

I can help you out with a prayer. sometime's we feel like we are here all along and we aren't at all God is with us min. every day just keep your prayer's strong and it will be alright. Trust in God... I will keep you and your family in my prayer's.. I will be having my surgery on Dec 15,2006... gina