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I think I don't trust my self. Why??? Because I have lost a million pounds over the years only to see two million come back on. I just keep feeling one day I'll wake up and the pounds will all be back like so many times before. I am doing great and so far I have a better control on JUNK FOOD eating. I try to do heavy protein first and that keeps me in chec****ep telling my self you are doing great. I do look in the mirror and I don't see a fat person any more. Just an apple standing on two toothpicks. ha ha ha ok I'll stop. I think this apple is looking good
''thought this was great and wanted to share with everyone here - Jo
Angel Food Ministries
Original Post by Kimberly Butler at 9:06 AM PST on 07/26/2006
Birmingham, AL
I don't know if this is available in all of your areas (it's out of Georgia), however, I still wanted to pass it along anyway because it is going to help us out a TON with 4 little mouths to feed on my husband's income (I'm a SAHM). Check out
You don't have to meet any income requirement, anyone can participate. They take foodstamps if anyone is on that...and the food is restaurant grade, never close to date, out of date, or dented cans, etc. You can buy as many boxes as your family will need for the will cut our grocery budget in half! I can't wait to start this next month! Here is what you get in August:
August 2006 Menu (General Only)
(4) 4 oz. Bacon-Wrapped Beef Fillets
(4) 6 oz. Pork Chops
(1) 2lbs. Chicken Nuggets
(1) 4lbs. I.Q.F Thighs
(1) 6ct. Corn Dogs
(1) 26 oz. Banquet Chicken & Stuffing Bake
(1) 16 oz. Fully-Cooked Meatballs
(1) 16 oz. Ground Turkey
(1) 15 oz. Pork & Beans
(1) 16 oz. Pasta
(1) 26 oz. Pasta Sauce
(2) Cans Marie Callendar's Chicken Gourmet Soup
(1) 7.5 oz. Pancake Mix
(1) 16 oz. Rice
(1) Dessert Item
(1) Dozen Eggs
*I.Q.F. - Individually Quick Frozen
*price may vary based on taxes and other fees
**One or more specials available only with the purchase of a regular unit.**
Bacon-Wrapped Combo - $18.00
(6 5-oz. Bacon-Wrapped Chicken Breasts, 6 4-oz. Bacon-Wrapped Beef Fillets, 6 4-oz. Bacon-Wrapped Pork Fillets)
10 lbs. Chicken Combo Box - $18.00
(4 4-oz. Chicken Cordon Bleu, 3 lbs. I.Q.F. Boneless/Skinless Chicken Breasts, 2 lbs. Breaded Chicken Tenders, 2 lbs. Honey-dipped fully-cooked Fried Chicken, 2 lbs. Breaded Chicken Breast Fillets)
4 lb. Box, Sirloin Strip Steaks - $17.00
(8 8-oz. Steaks)
i feel you- it am dow ( the last time i got on a scale almost 1 month ago) 101 from my heighest - and again from the last time I checked 70 lbs since surgery - i do beat myself up- especially the days that i am super tired and dont pack my snacks for work, dont get good sleep - i still see me at 319 - in the mirror and in the pictures - oh well writing about it help me though thsnks for reading -Jo
Topic: RE: Seven Month Anniversary!
OK all, sounds like everyone is doing very well. I had my surgery on 12/16/05 and have lost 100 lbs. (including the two-week liquid diet for two weeks pre-op) (90 lbs. since day of surgery). I am very happy with the loss. However, the loose skin is a different story - but I can deal with that. I am having trouble with hunger - I find I get hungry a lot more than I did in the very beginning. I worry that I will eat too much. I know I need to start exercising. You're an inspiration to us all with all your exercising. Keep up the good work and I hope all in your life falls into place for you, and for all us.
Its the weirdest thing, I am so much more critical of myself now than before i had the surgery. I ahve lost 103 lbs since dec 16. I dont think it s good enough, but i know it is. i went from a size 24(tight) to a loose 16. im at 195 lbs. under 200 and still beat myself up! i have days where i feel thin and most days i feel like a whale. all this time i thought i was doing everything wrong, yet my lab results were perfect! why do i do this to myself? i workout as much as i can and that seems to make me feel great, so i try to do it as often as possible. Does anyone else do this? Do you guys beat yourselves up cause its goin too slow?
Topic: RE: 7 months out and down 100 pounds
That is awesome! Congratulations to you!
Topic: 7 months out and down 100 pounds
OK Its official I am down a total of 100 pounds this morning.. Its about time I have been stuck at 99.5 forever.. but its moving again this morning..
I started out at 286.5 and am now at 186.5
started at sive 30/32 and am now at 13/14
I am now getting the "I think you are losing too much weight" Comments and they are driving me nuttso.. My Doc says I shough lose 30 more pounds to hit his goal.. (Im at my goal) so I have no idea what they mean by me losing too much!!..
I love the way I feel, they way I look, I am actually getting carded again like when I go to the Casino, or buy alchohol, its a wonderful feeling the only thing is I now have to get a new pic on my ID, Ive had to explain the person in the ID really is me just a heavier version of me too many times..
Anywho I just wanted to update for alll my December Homies!!
Love you all
Topic: RE: Hi All! Long Time No SEE!
Carol, you are looking WONDERFUL! And sounds like you're feeling wonderful too. Yay! Keep up the good work

Topic: RE: Daring to Dream...
Best of wishes to you. My hubby is active army and I hear what you are saying. I took the ASVAB in high school and thought that I was too heavy then. I weighed about the same as I do now. At least you can count on one thing, You WILL get the exercise you need to get to goal! LOL.
Best Wishes
Carol G. in Augusta
Topic: Hi All! Long Time No SEE!
How are all of you doing? I'm doing wonderful and have posted an update in my profile complete with a new picture. I can't complain!
I've lost 105 lbs and feeling great! Hair has stopped falling out for the main part (I've always been somewhat of a shedder) and the acne has stopped as well. I'm really looking forward to the next few months. I'm still looking for an ideal protein bar or shake that I like, but I feel like I'm looking for a purple unicorn. My doctor prefers that I get my protein from "natural" sources, but sometimes you don't really feel like eating, especially early in the morning.
I hope everyone is doing great! Let me know how you are doing!
Best Wishes!
Carol G. in Augusta GA