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thanks I looked this up yesterday but every where is too far for me to travel. I would spend more in GAS!!!!
Topic: FROM 311 TO 199 IN 7 1/2 MO
Not only do I weigh less than my husband for the first time since about 1990 or earlier, I am in the 100's now, even if it is barely. That is so exciting to me!!!
Topic: RE: 7 months out and down 100 pounds
Hi Dori,
You look great and are doing wonderful! Keep up the good work...

Topic: RE: Hi All! Long Time No SEE!
Hey my sexy momma! You are looking hot yourself! I still say your too young to have those I had to travel back and forth from my home state for a while( Hubby is Army-- we came from AL). My grandfather wasn't doing to well and had to be put in a nursing home and my grandmother was neglecting herself (so she could sit by him) to the point of wrecking her health. I had been traveling 4 1/2 hours each way to see them as much as possible to help my mom out. My grandfather passed away last week, and my grandmother (his wife) was admitted in the ER twice while he was in the hospital for the final time. It's been rough. My son is still in therapy (he's was born preemie with seizures and some delays---Praise God they are all mild!) but they just determined that he can go for 3 times a week instead of 4. He's caught up enough with speech to go from 2 x to just 1x, plus OT and Behavioral Therapies. I'm trying to get a job, but i'm having a hard time of it right now. I'm also heading a church mission where I teach loom knitting and we make baby hats for preemies at the Medical College of GA,. Our group has made over 200 hats, 10 bootie sets, and 34 hats to deployed soldiers, and 40 hats for the homeless. I'm currently making a scarf/shawl to go to an elderly lady for a nursing home.
As far as my I'm in a 20/22 shirt and am wearing very baggy 24's. NO MORE LANE BRYANT----I can use Wal Mart But I DO like LB for the sexy outfits....heh heh. I think the major change is my face, especially with the short hair cut (which has grown out for about 6 weeks now). I did it because I was afraid of the hair loss.
It's good to hear from you. Keep up with the amazing progress! I will try to get on at least every few days to keep up!
God Bless!
Carol G.
Topic: RE: Hi All! Long Time No SEE!
Thanks Becca! You are looking so cute. I love the new look! It's very becoming! I'm so glad you are doing well. I hope all is going well with you.
Best Wishes!
Carol G.
Thanks Petty - snacking - I hear you - trust? as far as i can see me - but i am trying - like good ol albert einstein said
" Insanity
is doing the same things over and expecting different results!" this is my motto - Jo

Topic: RE: Hi All! Long Time No SEE!
BOY did you change.....With new looks like that I guess you haven't had time for us. Thats ok we understand
Topic: RE: 7 months out and down 100 pounds
I know that 100 feels good. The only thing I would get carded for is to tell me I'm too old to be in there.
Homey holla back
My grandson should have heard me say that