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Topic: RE: Unhealthy stuff...
I haven't been snacking much but I've been eating out a LOT and am not eating as well as I should be. I'm still eating under 1000 calories but much closer to 1000 than any time since my surgery. And the weight loss is really showing it. I have been stuck where I am foreeeeeeeeeeeeever. I know that plateaus are part of the deal but I really can't call this a plateau if I'm not eating right!!!
Topic: RE: Unhealthy stuff...
having a hard time too. I haven't really went into snacking but cutting back a lot on the high proteins the way we started out
I am doing the protein train on the BAF this week and have dropped 3 pounds this week. Haven't done that in a very long time. This was the boost I needed. When I went back to straight protein I got full fast again. Today is a big slack day. The eating was fine. I had a proteind shake with coffee for breaskfast. For lunch tuna on one slice of bread. Snack pork rinds. Don't know if I'll eat dinner because right now I am full. It was the lack of water. Which is not usually a problem. I decided I needed ice water. Went and made a tall glass and took a big gulp. Pouch let me know fast thats a no no no noooo no.
The pain is still there.
Hope I can stay on track
Topic: RE: haven't been here in a long time- checking in
I'm down 89 pounds, but the weight loss has really slowed. I'm starting to worry I'm not going to lose 100% of my excess weight. I excercise 5 days a week, so I feel like I should be losing even with the snacking problem I mentioned in the other post. Anyway, I'm hoping it's muscle weight that is slowing me down. How about you?
Topic: RE: Unhealthy stuff...
HI, Becky. I'm struggling big-time with snacking. I still haven't tried sugar, but I'm eating too much on some days. I want to keep my calories below 1000, but when I snack, I go over. My weight loss has really slowed down and I'm worried I won't lose all my weight. I've had my protein this morning and I'm going to keep the carbs down today! I need accountability, too. I check the board daily and post ever-so-often, so I'll be looking for you.
Best Wishes!
Topic: RE: Unhealthy stuff...
Yes, this has never been such a "hoppin" board -- too bad.
One of the things that becomes clear is that we haven't had our brains fixed, just our guts. Now that we're feeling better and back to our lives more and stop being quite so reactive to the rules of surgery, we become who we always were. I know I always have to watch my food, protein, water, activity, but I'm still a person who hates exercise, loves eating, etc.
Still, I'm committed to making this work long term. I've lost 65 pounds (lightweight - ha!) and on the charts should lose 40 more, but my surgeon says maybe 15-20 more. I'm wating to see where I land. I'm 59 with lots of comorbities which are much less a problem now and probably next year will investigate plastics for the hanging skin. Never would have lost anything without WLS!! Very very grateful. Weight lost has slowed down to very slow now - 3 lbs monthly or so, but still going down. I log everything on fitday and average 900-1000 calories a day and 70-100 gms protein. Now at 7 months I eat a full diet and go out, entertain, etc. My husband and I share entrees evrywhere, which works well for both of us. Some days are very snacky, some are not interesting. Yes, I can now eat larger portions and I want to control that carefully.
Friends who are out 3 years are back to living their lives, but yes, like being on that hiprotein, heathy foods lifestyle forever. Anyway, sorry if too long, but this is a permanent change in the way we eat and live always and I for one, am thrilled that it is. I haven't felt this well in years!!
Good luck in your journey,
Topic: Unhealthy stuff...
Well hello there December friends~
I tell you what, evidently THIS was the month for screw ups! Is anyone else having trouble? For some reason I am feeling REALLY gutsy. i have even eaten sugar this month and I wouldn't have touched it with a ten foot pole before this. But, something is WACKED! I guess I am mostly writing for accountability. I am struggling. I haven't stopped working out, but I have gotten snacky and carb lovin'! I have even eschewed my vitamins. Lord, have mercy. It's like I am FREAKED that I am heading back into my old habits.
How about the rest of you? Am I alone? Are you struggling with anything? Can we hold each other accountable? Perhaps we could do a weekly check-in kind of thing. I just checked out the January 2006 board and they are REALLY hoppin' they are even doing contests and such. So, what do you say? Anyone out there feeling the need for support?
Looking for support and accountability I DO NOT want to fail~
Well, I've tried this: I pack a bag with only 2 meals (1 can of hearty soup w/ chicken or beef in it and veggies; and then a salad w/ chicken) and plenty of flavored water, crystal light, and diet green tea; and 1 snack (fruit, or a crunchy vegetable). Fruit for something sweet and nonfattening and the crunchy veggie like carrots for the irresistable urge to crunch (like on chips).
I eat as early as possible and drink for the rest of the night. The candy machines are in the basement of the hospital or the e.r. and I'm too lazy to make the trip even in the elevator! LOL! So I avoid the candy machines all together. So this has made it a little easier. I'm working on resisting the urge to stop at McDonald's for breakfast in the mornings. I just remind myself that I am going home to lie down for a couple of hours and I don't want to eat then sleep all day and not burn off that morning meal.
By packing my bag w/ the only things I will allow myself to eat and drink during the night helps a lot. When the bag is empty, I know it's time to stop eating.
Topic: RE: FROM 311 TO 199 IN 7 1/2 MO
Thanks, and great job for you too. Your pictures are great. I need to build up my nerve and post some.
Topic: haven't been here in a long time- checking in
well for many of us we are now 7 months post op; how are we all doing?
well i hope some one is able to use this information - and with the gas prices these day petty - i wish i could car pool
lol- Jo