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on 8/24/06 12:11 am - deer park, TX
Topic: RE: Weekly Check-In
Weight loss is slowwwwwwww now. Only 5 pounds last month, but I have decided to only weigh once a month now. I didn't think I could do it, but I have stayed off of it so far. After losing so fast for so long, it's just too discouraged to weigh daily and only see a pound gone each week. Anyway, I'm doing better on snacking but not great. I'm going to keep working on it! Sherry 259/166/130
on 8/23/06 5:15 pm - Little Rock Area, AR
Topic: Weekly Check-In
Hi friends~ Just checkin' in to see how everyone is doing. I am still struggling with snacks/carbs and such. I am feeling a little bit like a failure. The scale is STUCK at 200.8. Sometimes I think I am sabatoging myself?!?!? Who knows?!!??! Anyway, I didn't want to check in because I am doing so poorly, but that is what accounability means, so I am checking in. Goals: Drink MORE water. Eat MORE protein. NO SNACK BEFORE BED! Yep, still the same goals. I am hoping this week I can accomplish them. How about you? How are YOU doing?
Laura G.
on 8/23/06 7:53 am - Federal Way, WA
Topic: You Know You've Had Gastric Bypass Surgery When.........
I think all of us are at the point where we can FINALLY relate! Enjoy!!! * I have a date" does not mean you're going out. * You have baby food in the house and no baby. * "I'm a loser" is a good thing. * All of your silverware says Gerber. * A wooden spoon isn't just for cooking. * "Welcome to the other side" doesn't include death. * New clothes fall off in a week. * You get excited about hand me downs. * The scale at Wal-Mart no longer says "one at a time please". * Going bald and getting wrinkles is a good thing. * "Jus****er for me please". * Hitting the "Century Mark" is actually a good thing. * You can be touched by an angel and still not be considered crazy. * When your rear end no longer looks like a mudslide. * When you get excited that your incision was "only 4 inches". * When the word lap has nothing to do with a strip club. * Other women are calling you names behind your back. * When you are glared at in the plus size department because you don't "belong there". * When you really don't have a thing to wear. * You have to prove you are the person on the drivers license. * You start being in the pictures not behind the camera. * You want to hug everyone fat and hand them your surgeon's card. * You are never parted from a bottle of water * When you order a doggy bag at the same time as your meal. * Being too small for your britches. * When the only way your nipples are where they belong is to roll them up, position them with your bra and secure with a ponytail holder. * When you go pick up your child at school and all the other kids say WOW you're mom is hot. * When you go to the mall and take the first available space instead of circling 20 minutes for one closer to the door. * You truly are a "cheap date". * When one drink makes you flipping floozy! * When you run to the door and don't hear a flapping sound. * You flip your shirt to show complete strangers your scar. * Vitamins feel like a meal. * You go from a 56DDDD to 32AAA in a year and didn't have a breast reduction. * You've just lost 100 lbs and run into a high school friend who asks "did you change your hair?" * You can cross your legs... both of them * Instead of a Wonder Bra you need a Wonder Where They Went Bra * When your obsession from food turns to your scale. * They no longer call 911 for the Jaws of life to extricate you from a turnstile. * No more Velcro shoes * Tongs are no longer to fry chicken. * "Checking for leaks" no longer includes your panties * When your Stairmaster is no longer used for drying your fine washables * Your mother says "You don't eat enough" * When your doctor looks you in the eye and says "I know you will have success with this." * Having sex your husband complains that your hip bones are poking him. * You can wear corduroy pants without igniting a fire * When you wave and your upper arms wave back * You safety pin your underwear * Someone phones and thinks your husband is sneaking around with some skinny mistress * Cannot blame the cat for shedding * Cancel your Lane Bryant Credit Card * 3 Lean Cuisines a week and that's your total grocery purchase * The kids wonder what happened to the cake and cookie god...did he die??? Author(s) unknown
Dee K.
on 8/23/06 3:43 am - Oak Hill, VA
Topic: RE: Sabatage
also remember the importance of exercise.. this is but a tool for us.. we still have to work every single day and make this a lifestyle change! realize that we have been given a gift and we need to use it!! try going back to basics.. get your protein in (according to your dr).. all your vitamins and water.. also if it helps to journal your food choices, do it! i know that it's hard, but we are all in this together!!! ..and we are here to help! de
Dee K.
on 8/23/06 3:37 am - Oak Hill, VA
Topic: RE: My real first bout with depression
Beth - this is such a difficult journey isn't it? i, too am close to my goal and almost 100 pounds down .. i have been exercising for the last 3 months every other day and that has really helped me.. it is still a difficult journey, though and i think that petty is right that we must concentrate on the real reasons that we had this surgery.. our health!! also remember that we are onlyl 8 months into this and we have a lifetime to work out our "bumps" and "little bits that are now hanging" yes there are good and bad aspects to losing this weight and sometimes we have to give ourselves a break and realize that we are special because we took a huge step towards getting our lives back. hang in there, girlfriend! the best is yet to come!! dee
on 8/23/06 1:49 am - Montgomery, AL
Topic: Re: So Far, So Good
I'm currently down to 222 lbs!! A total loss of 86 lbs., however, that is still due to the stress in the house ---- and at work. What is it like to live without stress?? Guess I will never know until the kids are off in college on their own and I have my own place (lol). Even so, I'm grateful for what God has given me as He is only making me stronger. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right? I've my yearly physical on Friday, August 25th with my Primary Care Physician. More blood work for sure. My potassium has been low so I've been taking liquid potassium(yuk) for the past month. It was down to hopefully, it will be back up to what it should be on Friday. I tried to eat solid food last week and the result was the reflux burning my voicebox, my left ear canal and left sinus. I first thought it was just a heck of a migraine lasting that long with NAUSEA, but on Saturday at work ..... I felt that "dripping" feeling in my left ear and I said, "oh, no, please don't be that". It was. But I've battled thru the pain and not have seen the doctor for it and I do have the ear drops that have benzocaine in it, so that has been helping me avoid going to the ER as I couldn't get in to see Dr. Graves until this Friday for the pain. So, its back to protein drinks again. However, this time, I'm having to dilute them because drinking them straight brings on the nausea in all its glory. I am asking the doctor to put me back on my Fibromyalgia medications again. I haven't taken them in over 3 years, due to an accidental overdose, and I dumped everything in the toilet since then. However, as the weight comes down, I'm having more symptons that I can't control, like the tremors in my hands and the stumbling and my memory and difficulty speaking. I've finally admitted to myself that I do have an incurable disease and that is least I'm not depressed about it! Hey, that dancing figure looks like how I walk sometimes!! LOL Well, gotta head on in to work. Yall have a wonderful day today and God bless each one of yall with His Perfect Will. I'll keep yall updated. Grapes!! Jeanmarie
on 8/23/06 12:32 am - somerset, KY
Topic: RE: My real first bout with depression
Petty, Thank you for reminding me why I did this to begin with.You are so right had I not had this surgery quite possibly I could be very sick or even dead now.I guess in this visual word with toothpick role models,we sometimes think in that way.I need to get back to basics and work on the problem areas.It all comes down to I need to love me for me.Not skinny ,fat, saggy just the me inside before I'll ever be satisfied.Thank you again for reminding me. P.S. I think mirrors should be outlawed atleast the full length boogers. Beth
on 8/23/06 12:22 am - Galveston, TX
Topic: RE: My real first bout with depression
I know just how you feel. I have always had a baby face. I knew one day I would have to age. Just didn't realize it would be over night. People keep saying how great I look then I come home and look in the mirror (naked) Maybe we need to stop standing naked in the mirror. I see the sagging in my face, neck and arms. I don't like what I see. Then I look at my before photos on my profile. I ask my self why was I ok to bare my arms that looked like hugh basketballs now I am trying to hide them because they are flabby??? Go figure. Why was I ok to wear shorts (not daisy dukes) now that my legs are all wrinkled like a rasin I won't get in the water any more. Before at 315 I had 3 swimsuits. Now I don't have one. I think this is a case of we are never satisfied. My bones still hurt but no way do they hurt before this weight lost. Would I do it again???? To be out of my wheelchair, to only have to use my cane when I am walking a long distance, to be able to bend down and pick up what ever I dropped instead of asking some one to do it for me?????? In a heart beat. In fact I made up my mind just two days ago to finally get rid of my wheel chair I WILL NOT BE NEEDING IT ANY MORE I know this is long but I wanted you to know I feel the same way some times then I stop to count my blessing and where would I be in another couple of years if that long if I didn't do this. So I smile and ask for my senior discount and don't care no one is carding me any more. I'll get over it.
on 8/23/06 12:02 am - somerset, KY
Topic: My real first bout with depression
Hello everybody, I have not posted on this board in awhile,although I have alot in common with y'all.Yesterday I woke up and looked in the mirror,and I thought look at you you are a saggy old looking and gross.Before yesterday I thought I was looking and feeling so much better.I dont know how to explain this feeling although I know someone knows what I am rambling about.I need to get back to the gym,but since I started back to work after almost 11 years I use every excuse.Then to top it all off I tuned into Dr. phil yesterday afternoon and he had a lady who had lost 160 pounds and regretted it because of the skin.I dont know how to get past this.Other things are going on in my life that I am struggling with ,so maybe I am having control issues.I dont know this maybe silly to some,but I am back to hating looking at myself naked in the mirror.Maybe this is just a phase or a bump in the road .I guess I need to keep telling myself that I am only 14 pounds from my goal,but I can't wrap my mind around much today,sorry for rambling on ,but I am just down. Thanks for listening Beth.
on 8/22/06 3:19 pm - Surrey, Canada
Topic: RE: 6 month testing
Thank you so much for answering! Kathy
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