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Laura G.
on 9/11/06 10:58 am - Federal Way, WA
Topic: RE: Century Club
Did a little snooping email [email protected]
zanders mommy
on 9/11/06 6:47 am - Valparaiso, IN
Topic: RE: What were you doing 9/11
I had worked the night before, I always worked nights 8-4am so my phone never rang before noon. I heard my phone ring and ring and ring so finally I checked my messages and my bestfriend had left a couple messages about sleeping threw a bomb...I did'nt realize she was serious. I turned on the tv and sat on the couch in shock. When I regained my composure I called her. It was around 9:00am Threw out the day I had quite a few people stop by disbelief engulfed us all. I remember not wanting to go to work, but I was the manager so... there were alot of somber drunk people that day.I guess it can be easily compared to JFK's death. I never understood the depth of that until 9/11
on 9/11/06 1:05 am - Arlington, TX
Topic: RE: What were you doing 9/11
I will never forget that morning!! I was 8 months pregnant & my twin 3 year olds were watching Dora the Explorer. My hubby had only been in the Army a little over a year. His Unit's Chaplain's wife called me & told me to turn on the news. After a brief battle over Dora I got on Fox news. I was instantly shocked, crying, calling my hubby. He was put on 24 hour alert & we were told he could leave without any notice & to go home & get his bags packed - we were at a rapid Deployment post (Ft.Stewart, GA) 3rd ID). I then tried to call our family that lives in NYC, but could not get through. It was days before we found out if they were ok, especially my sis-in-law who worked 2 blocks from the WTC. Being on post during that time was CRAZY!! They started making manditory ID checks to get off & on post which blocked traffic so bad it would take up to 5 hours to get on post if you left to go to the store or anything. We were on pins & needles knowing my hubby would be going somewhere, but not knowing when or where. Ended up he was in the initial invading force into Baghdad, but that was nearly a year later. It is always in our minds & hearts even now. I sat with my girls this morning (they turned 8 on Sat., my baby is now almost 5) & we watched the news & talked about what happened & why. Then we said a prayer & had a moment of silence before they went to school. God Bless the victims, the families, the rescue workers, Mayor Guilliani, Pres. Bush, and all the soldiers & other military deployed in the Middle East & their families. For the sake of those nearly 3,000 souls, we can never forget!!!
on 9/10/06 6:48 am - Houston, TX
Topic: RE: What were you doing 9/11
my boss and i were on our way to NYC on 9/11 for a conference that morning - they made us land in North Carolina (without telling us why) and by the grace of God, we found a place that let us rent a vehicle out of state to drive back home. i didnt see the horrible images of the event until that night when i got to Atllanta, Georgia. that will be a day i will never forget.
Diona A.
on 9/10/06 5:31 am - Miles City, MT
Topic: RE: What were you doing 9/11
I was walking into work and there was a big commotion in the hall - they had the TV on and was showing the airplanes crashing into the World Trade Center. It just sent chills down my back. Ended up that one of the scientists at the lab 125 miles North of us found out his brother was killed in the Paragon. That really made it real. Now five years later and our boys are still going to war - my cousin just left for Iraq last week. Really makes me wonder where all of this will end up. The other main event I remember was from 1963 - the day Kennedy was shot - my mom was listsening to the radio in the kitchen and shouted "oh my God, the President has been shot" and sat down and started sobbing. Being two I didn't understand what was going on but I remember her reaction like it was yesterday! Diona
on 9/10/06 12:58 am - Galveston, TX
Topic: What were you doing 9/11
They always say something in your life you will always remember exactly. Well I guess this is the second most thing for me. Katrinia will always be first because I lived in New Orleans for 12 years. Back to 9/11. I can't remember the exact time on the clock oh but I remembe it well. I would be up for hours before I would get dress. I stayed and still do on CNN News for the events of the day. Every day since I was a child I ate a hugh bowl of K E double LL O double good Kelloggs Corn Flakes with a bowl of sugar. I was coming out of the kitchen with cereal in one hand and coffee in the other. I saw the plane flying into the tower and thought I must have hit the TV remote and changed CNN to movie station with out realizing it. I said I don't know this movie and picked up the remote to put it back on CNN. IT WAS ON CNN!!!! I sat in the chair and looked and looked and looked. This can't be real. I never ate the corn flakes and to this day I have never eaten corn flakes again. I don't know why. I just never had the want or desire for them. You loose a piece of of you when you see your beloved country attacked. I know it is foolish and I am not trying to compare corn flakes to what happen. I just lost a piece of me, my world that day. I live on Galveston Island. Friday and Sat I could hear the fighter jets flying out of Ellington over the Gulf of Mexico. They are so loud and low it rattles my nerves. They did this for days after 9/11. Hearing them this weekend brings it all back home. Just my thoughts with out being political. PK
on 9/8/06 11:27 am - arlington, WA
Topic: RE: My bones
Hi twinny!!! You can get a special card for the airports, because I have one, I also got my surgeon to write me a letter on letterhead stating I need water and protein many times throughtout the day for the rest of my life due to my gastric bypass surgery and should be allowed to bring them onto the plane. I had hoped that after losing so much weight the pain would go away, but no such luck! My knees must hurt less than before though, but one still hurts even when not on it, as does my left foot , elblow, right wrist and arms. Oh well, I will live longer!! When I had my surgery, my Dr. wrote me a prescription for the pack, and I got it at a physical therapy place.( about $40 ) You could probably get one through a medical care supply place, too, but with a prescription hopefully insurance will buy it or part of it.
on 9/8/06 11:20 am - arlington, WA
Topic: RE: feeling hungry alot lately
Kylie, blessedly I do not have hunger problems, but my "head" is still not healed. I had 4 days this week where all I wanted to do was eat, and I had to fight it off. One day I cried about an hour. My daughter who fights 30 lbs is frustrated with me and says I should be happy with 118 lb weight loss in 9 months. I am... But I am 54 and have been eating wrong since I was about 17 years old. That pattern is not going to change overnight. This is the first time I have ever changed my eating habbits and not "cheated" so this is very different, but the desire to run to food if stressed or upset, or when others are eating buffets etc. Can still hit me....Sosmetimes when I least expect it. I find I can cope better if I am not tired, so keep rested and nap if you need it. Praying, drinking lots of cyrstal light and looking at fat pictures and telling myself, "which person do you want to listen to... The person you were in this picture 118 lbs ago, or the person you are becoming???" helps me. When I feel I can not stop from eating something even when not hungry I eat a dill pickle. It takes away any desire for junk food or sweets for me. Hang in there.... Hope this helps. Pam
on 9/8/06 10:12 am - Galveston, TX
Topic: RE: My bones
Pam hi Just read your profile and I think you may be my missing twin. I have been in ortho so much it never crossed my mind that they may not replace something. They have replaced so much on me already. Thanks for the heads up on the wrap around gel pack. Are they at Walmart??? I think every thing is at Walmart. I am already on liquid pain meds. I still have a hard time with any pill. Seems they all get stuck in my throat. With all my surgeries I never needed nausea meds before but this is a new day. I will ask about it. I'll be 56 Sept 23. They are going to run a rod through my arm bone like they did my thighs and legs then replace the ball and the cup. Every thing is gone and you can hear my bones crunching. I wish I could get a whole body bone transplant. Sounds too much like Dr. Frankinstien doesnt it. Oh and I stopped going in airports years ago after the first time I was beeping the machine and the hand warn and I kept trying to tell them it was all the metal inside of me. I don't want to be no accident. No one believed me until I showed them the keliod scars.
on 9/8/06 7:50 am - Solon, OH
I thought that would be the case. Thanks for letting me know. Joanne
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