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Topic: RE: Hurricane Rita
I am SKARED to death of an earthquake. When I lived in LA in the 70's I had a constant fear of an earthquake. I was kool until I found out Inglewood was on top of a fault. I worked in the old computer rooms. False floors with all the heavy wiring running under neath. We stayed locked in and the floors forever vibrated. When I came out every one was wide eyed asking did you feel it, did you feel it. I didn't feel a thing. I am really glad I didn't I bet I would look 96 today
With a very heavy diaper still....

Topic: RE: In the paper...
Hahaha. Not so bold... I was really scared to write it... But in hte end I figured I was asking others to let me in to their personal experiences for the main article so I should be willing to be open too. Plus, I figured if it could maybe help someone else, it would be worth it.
Topic: RE: Hurricane Rita
Wow, to think how far you are this year from where you were last birthday! I'm sorry the association with the hurricanes is there but I'm glad you can look back and smile at the jokes and such.
Happy happy belated birthday, Petty!
PS I love to fabric and pattern shop too but the truth is I'm not very good at sewing so I and seldom have time for it so I end up with tons of fabric and patterns just sitting around everywhere!
Topic: RE: Hurricane Rita
Happy Bilated Birthday!
The thought of what you went through is so overwhelming, I can't even imagine. Up here in Seattle we don't get too many hurricanes or tornados, just earthquakes and volcano erruptions. My heart goes out to everyone who was affected. I would have never guessed you turned 56, you look so young. You also look terrrific!
Marta :0)

Topic: Hurricane Rita
One year ago Rita raised hell with the Texas Louisiana coast. I spent 3 days on Highway 59 running for my life. I spent my birthday sleeping in a service station parking lot with 2 or 300 of my closest newest friends. Every one kept telling me happy birthday. My brother kept telling people its her birthday. It became a running joke. But as they say you have to laugh to keep from crying.
They thought Galveston and Houston would take the hit. My house was built in the 1880's. So it has taken a lot of hits. Rita did move it a little off the foundation.
Sept 23 in my birthday. Turned 56 this year. Last year I had made bar b que plans. In TEXAS we que and that is THE party. This year every one kept teasing me about my plans. I made NONE!!!!! I spent my birthday doing what I love the most......Spent in two fabric stores with 50% off coupons. Yes I am a pattern and fabric junkie. I really need help in that department.
Just my thoughts on my birthday that will be forever replaced with thoughts of Rita and Katrinia
Topic: RE: Looking for a hot protein drink
Hi Cheryl,
The one thing that I have not grown tired of is fat free milk, sugar free Nestle's Quik and AnyWhey protein powder. 1 scoop of protein powder has 17 grams of protein, 16oz of milk has 16 grams of protein and the Quick has 1-2 grams of protein. I love this mix and I have been drinking for 9 months now. I heat the milk in the microwave for 3 minutes then add the Quik and protein powder. I never have a problem with lumps or weird taste. The portein powder has no flavor. Enjoy!
Topic: RE: 100 Pounds!
You are already skinnier than me! I'm in a 10 or a 12. I hope I get to see an 8! Congrats on your weight loss, too!
Topic: RE: 100 Pounds!
Congrats.. that is so great!! Someday.. I'll be able to join you.. hehe
April R
254/165/size 8