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Topic: RE: Hello everyone
I am at a 137 pound wt loss. This morning I weighed 150. My goal is to fit into a single digit pant size, 8, or get down to normal BMI, which for my height, 5'4" is 145. I am still eating mainly protein, no carbs or sugars. My weight loss has slowed way down. I have only lost about four pounds in the last month and I feel like these last few pounds are the hardest to loose. I am exercising 4 times a week, but could certainly do more.
I too am having some emotional adjustments I am trying to deal with. First of all, I have to say I am thankful I had this surgery. I felt it saved my life because I was slowly dying, physically and emotionally. After being so big for so long, it is uncomfortable for me to be noticed and complimented. I feel I am treated differently now that I am "normal size", by my family, people I work with and strangers. But inside I am the same person I have always been. I have been focused on my surgery and loosing weight for so long, most of my life, I don't know how I will handle when I am at goal wt. I know I will always have to watch what I put in my mouth and I will have to exercise. But I think I have put some of the blame for my life's problems on my weight. "If I wasn't so fat . . .". Now I am realizing I have to still deal with crap and can't hide behind my fat anymore. I feel exposed.
Marta :0)
Topic: RE: Window of Opportunity?
Hi Keri,
I'm just about where you are --- welll, not quite yet, actually... I started off at about a 36 and am down to a 22 so you're doing better than I am! I'm still a faaaaar way from goal but you know, even if I were to stop losing now (heaven forbid), I'd still be so happy with how far I've come.
The thing to remember, I think, is that it's not like we're never able to lose any more weight once we hit that year mark. It's just that our bodies kind of figure out a little better how to handle what we did to it with the surgery. But remember, we still have a tiny stomach and we have learned (hopefully) in this time since the surgery how to eat better. Sure, the loss might slow down but you can still lose.
Having said that, I know I sure get frustrated as heck when I plateau and it feels like my body is just done losing. I've just started using the Nuva Ring too and I'm scared that on top of the plateau, it might make me GAIN some weight (I don't know if this is the case, I just know that other hormone type birth control can cause that). Anyone have any experience with it?
Topic: Window of Opportunity?
Well its time for my pity party. I am staring to get really scared that I will be staying at this weight. I read posts about alot of you reaching goal( Congrats !!!) but I am not even close! I have gone from a size 34 to an 18 but I am so fearfull that its over! Please take all my crying with a grain of salt I think I may post the same thing every other month but Oh my goodness I can't seem to shake this feeling. I am so greatfull in the fact that I have gone down that many sizes but I still feel like a PIG. I don't remember the window 18 months or a year? If its a year we don't have far to go do we... Thanks for listning to me rant Best of luck to us all!!!
(deactivated member)
on 10/10/06 12:21 am - SC
on 10/10/06 12:21 am - SC
This must be the most difficult part of this journey..I feel I just don't fit in anymore, anywhere and my relationships are deminishing..
I have been trying to stay content with the way things have always been, but finding it harder and harder to feel content with my life. If things are changing around me, and not good anymore, and why things seem so different is puzzleing..I'm still ME!..isn't it enevitable that we must venture to find more .....MORE??? more what???? Yes, I know what you are feeling. It's a confusing time, for real!!
I can't express exactly what I want to because, I just don't understand it all...I'm so "squeezed", I'm choking.
(deactivated member)
on 10/10/06 12:09 am - SC
on 10/10/06 12:09 am - SC
Topic: RE: Hello everyone
Hi there!
I'm doing well, physically I fee wonderful and energetic..mentally, I'm confused.
I have lost more weight than I've wanted to, and I have been eating things I thought I shouldn't..I'm trying to figure out how to maintain at 150lbs..but I'm down to 138..I was studing myself in the mirror yesterday, nude, getting ready to take a long soak in the tub..well, I just look so pitiful, droopy all over and the collar bones are starting to remind me of a poor old overworked work horse.
I'm eating pizza, pasta, bread and everything I can that'll stop myself from losing but stepped on the scale yesterday and had lost another 2lbs! I can put away some grub..I don't understand why I continue to lose! I was on a platu for about a month or so before, and thought OK..this is it..I was scared because I could eat anything excpt sugar, and I could eat plenty..I was afraid I would start to gain, but then the scale started moving down again.
What else is going on? WELL, seems my husband is not as attracted to me as he was when I was heavy..He studies me hard sometimes, and at first thinking he likes what he sees, then he say's when are you going to gain some weight back! I secretly revenge him by spending (LOTS) of money on new clothes...I'm needing to seek some help, I think..I just can't figure out what is wrong with my relationships these days..all of them, really. Figureing it must be me, the one who has a problem. I feel like the people I love are avoiding me. Makes me sad and lonely.
So! That's where I am so far..
Topic: RE: The old me..
You look wonderful! And I agree that you look much younger in your new photo.

Topic: RE: century club
Congratulations Pretty! I can sing for you!
p.s. I Just found an email from you that I missed in my inbox. Sorry.

Topic: RE: Hello everyone
Hello! 10 months and still going strong! I've lost 105lbs and I am finally at Goal. (Actually, a little under goal.) I still eat right for the most part and I excercise a little. I don't have very much energy, but as far as my blood work goes, everything is great.
Congratulations to all of you!!
Topic: Hello everyone
Wow, can you believe its our 10 month anniversaries now!! How are you doing? How is your weight loss? Your exercise? Have you stayed true to your new lifestyle or have you slipped back into pre op ways!! What's going on!