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on 11/5/06 10:10 am - upstate small town, NY
Topic: RE: I eat too fast
Yes, I am having the problem too. It is just the last month or so...before that I had more control and could wait minutes between bites. It is especially bad if I am in a restaurant. I feel rushed because the people I am with eat fast and also that the waitress wants the table turned over. I also feel I am eating more calories even though I really am trying to keep track on fitday. I don't feel that it is a "bother" like you, but my attitude toward food has definately changed. I certainly don't have the interest and enjoyment I used to, now it is just another thing I have to do like brush my teeth, get dressed and go to work. Sometimes I do take the 30 minutes suggested for a meal, other times I am done in 15. Depending on what I have had, sometimes I pay for eating too fast with chest pain, gas, etc. I try really hard to be more aware. It is hard to get my husband to understand that I can't answer him if I am in the middle of chewing something...and he always seems to ask me something just at that time. The first few times, I forgot and swallowed too soon and paid dearly with pain, the whole "rock in the pouch" feeling. Now I just point to my mouth and make him wait. So, the real answer to your question is go back to basics and put the fork down between bites. That is finally what I had to do and it is working.
on 11/5/06 6:54 am - Galveston, TX
Topic: I eat too fast
Any one else???? I don't eat too much I eat way too fast. I still put small amounts on my plate. I know this is all I am getting. So I don't play around with it. If if wasn't for chewing the meats really good I would be finished in 2 seconds. I keep trying to slow down but can't seem to do it. I am not eating more often. It seems like this small amount of food is a bother so I want to get it over with and move on to the next thing. How long does it take YALL to eat a meal and how often. The only thing I eat slow is my protein drink at 6 am and thats because I am still sleepy
on 11/3/06 8:30 pm - Merritt Island, FL
its gas... I never experienced it until after surgery ( they fill you up with air during the surgery) I think that almost opens things up that have never been that way... because now I get it from time to time... it is excruciating to say the least... it has had me rolling on the floor literally... try gas x and sometimes you just have to wait for it to pass.... I would most certainly think that is what it is... if it is upper right quadrant pain check for gall stones ( doesnt sound like it by your description) I have to have my gall bladder out now. Good luck... hope you are feeling better soon!!! Dawn
on 11/3/06 1:58 am - Struthers, OH
Topic: Any recipies for our 1st Holidays?
Hi every one Does any one have Holiday recipies for baking and cooking that are low fat and sugar free? Holloween was not too bad. I am greatful for that because it was usually a big problem for me. Now Thanksgiving and Christmas are on the way and I feel somewhat vunerable. I have lost a lot of weight (115 pounds aprox.). Every one says I look good. In fact I have been called tiny, scrawny and someone even said I was too small. I am not used to people using those words to describe me. My appitie is good as well. In the past all those conditions added up to problems with food. Looking good, getting compliments, feeling hungry and the Holidays ment failure and weight gain for me. I have made alot of changes and I am hoping for the best. I am also greatful for this site since I get so much support here. I have been unable to attend support group meetings at the surgerey center because of work, school, family ect. Any way how about those recipies? Madeline
Laura G.
on 11/2/06 7:24 am - Federal Way, WA
Topic: RE: Candy trouble
Thanks for the comments, I was thinking SF candy after I submitted the post. Actually I did pretty well, and the scale hasnt moved up so that is a good thing. Thanks both look awsome!
Corrine M.
on 11/1/06 4:57 am - Shakopee, MN
Topic: RE: Updates...Progress Reports...
I love reading all the updates. They help keep me motivated. 1 - 238.6/136/122 I'm 57 and 5'1/2". I am past my surgeon's goal of a BMI in the low 30's. I'm in a size 4 and would be happy at this weight but would really like to lose the fat bulge above my belly button. 2 - Oatmeal and Protein Delight for breakfast Veggies and meat or cottage cheese for lunch Acheiv 1 snack Veggies and meat, meat soups, eggs for supper Protein Delight or Acheiv 1 before bed Very occasional 100 cal bag of popcorn Way too many pumpkin seeds No sugar, no bread, very little red meat I dump on small amount of sugar (1 tablespoon of sweet/sour dressing) and I dump on too much fat (1/3 cup of mixed nuts) 3 - No regrets, no complications. Issues - I'm worried about regain. I barely exercise. I spend too much money on me (shopping transference addiction). 4 - I use those weekly pill boxes and fill them once a week. Then I dump them daily into a small dish so I can keep track of them. I might miss an occasional calcium or iron pill, but for the most part take everything I need. Right now I still do 2-3 protein drinks a day and will continue til I use up what I have on hand. I will continue with the Acheiv 1's cause I LOVE THEM!! 5 - Advice - continue with support groups, OH forum, dr's appts. It keeps you on track. Corrine
on 11/1/06 1:36 am - Albuquerque, NM
Topic: RE: Updates...Progress Reports...
1. Pre-op/Current/Goal? 271/149/155 (Doc's goal). My weight loss really slowed down for awhile, but has picked back up again. I'm actually starting to get a little nervous about losing too much! 2. What are you eating on a regular basis? Breakfast is nearly always the same: 12 oz. of V8 juice and 1 Atkins Advantage shake. Lunch and dinner are usually some meat (must be moist) and a low-GI-vegie. I snack on sunflower seeds all day and drink lots of Propel fitness water. I do have an occasional diet caffeine-free coke (flat) and SF cookies or candy. I dump more on fats than sugars and on too much sugar alcohol. 3. Any regrets/complications/issues? No regrets! I have gone from 17 regular prescription meds to 4. I carry around before and after med lists rather than before and after pictures. The first 4 months were horrible (ulcers and nausea); the next 5 months were much better; the last month has been horrible again. I think I may have another ulcer. I am TERRIBLE about exercise (hate it, in fact), but that hasn't seemed to slow my weight loss down. 4. How are you doing on vitamins and protein? No problems - I take my vitamins faithfully. 5. Any advice? Just be prepared for the inconsistent reactions to food - some days I can eat just about anything, but the next day the same foods might make me sick. Also, it has helped me remember to take my vitamins by sorting them into a magnetic pill holder and attaching them to my computer stand, right in front of my nose.
Dee K.
on 11/1/06 1:32 am - Oak Hill, VA
Topic: RE: Updates...Progress Reports...
. Pre-op/Current/Goal? 289/185/165 2. What are you eating on a regularly basis? eggs/lots of protein (steak, ground beef and turkey), fish, cheese 3. Any regrets/complications/issues? no issues, regrets or complications (thank God!) 4. How are you doing on vitamins and protein? I am absolutely religious about taking all my vitamins and i take 2-3 protein shakes a day.. i am obsessed with doing this correctly. 5. Any advice? do your homework prior to surgery and stay vigilant after! this is a lifestyle change forever and it can be dangerous if you don't follow the rules. i also exercise 4-6 days a week. am i neurotic about it? yes, probably but it has been great for me and i'm very thankful.
on 10/31/06 10:57 pm - deer park, TX
Topic: RE: Candy trouble
I haven't tested the waters yet with candy, so I'm not where you are ... yet. One day at a time is my motto. And I know, there but by the grace of God go I! What I did last night to avoid that feeling of deprivation is bake a batch of SF Pillsbury Chocolate Chip cookies. They were pretty good! I ate two. They did kinda upset my stomach, but it was a better choice than the big bowl of candy I was handing out. Maybe try that as a substitute. Or buy the SF candy. I know it isn't the same, but it has helped me in a pinch. You look awesome, by the way! Sherry 259/154/130
on 10/31/06 7:56 pm
I had my lapband surgery on 12/14/05 in Oklahoma. I have lost over 60 pounds. I have two issues that I would LOVE to hear from other lap band patients about if you have had these same issues. 1) I have 3.5 cc in my band and I seem to be stuck and not loosing any weight. I know this band holds 4.0 but as much as I'm complaining about NOT loosing, they don't seem to want to increase the amount to 3.75 or 3.8. I know from other notes I've seen on the web that other patients have this amount. I borrowed $12000 to pay for this and at $320 a month to Capital One I need to be loosing some weight !!! My most major complaint is this pain I have in my upper diaphram (spelling?) sorry. and my left shoulder. The first time I had this was around February and I went to the ER thinking I was having a heart attack. I was in tears it hurt so much. After thousands of dollars worth of tests I was told "It must be your lap band." Well the lap band surgeon says this band is OK and that is not the problem. I know the shoulder pain is radiated pain from the other area. PLEASE let me know if you have this problem. I have this pain days at a time and it will go away as strangely as it appears. Thanks!
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