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on 3/24/09 8:15 pm
I contiued to lose weight in very small amounts on-goingly. I have lost just at 100 pounds but could truly lose more. I weigh between 155 and 160. At 5'3" with NO muscles, it is still flabby.
I eat well. What I don't do and never did was move! I am promising myself time to exercise, long walks, some dancing, etc. before I consider plastic surgery. I have up to ten pounds of skin, but I want to be the healthiest me possible.
Water, protein, some activity. Every day. YOU can do it!!!!
Hi Everyone
I will make this short and simple. In Dec 2005 I had the lap band. My weight at the time was 323 lbs. I got down to 267 lbs as of 4/17/06. I was doing well, working out and eating right.
Well I have regained my weight. Not eating right and not working out. The last time I went for a fill I was 295 lbs and that was about 8 months ago. I would hate to go back weighting more then I should. With the weather starting to get warm I need to get back on track.
First I need some help, would like to know what is your basic menu and how much do you eat ( as in oz)..
That would be a great start...
Thanks for your help!
Regrets? Not a single one. I wake up every morning and am thrilled to know that my life is changed FOREVER.
on the 12th I will be three years cool.
I've lost 127 pounds, had a bunch of plastic surgery, got divorced, reconciled with the X, got a masters degree, moved to a nicer home and I'm happy as heck with the out come WLS.
I have a litle trouble with low blood sugar.
Other than that I feel healthy and good.
I do not eat sugar
I still eat high protien diet
carbs are fruit, whole grains and veggies.
I drink lots of water
when I am not recuperatin from PS I exercise regularly
Life is good
TT/BL 4/14/07
BA/ Brachioplasty 11/22/07
LBL 4/21/08
Thigh Lift w/ lipo 11/17/08
on 12/9/08 3:50 am
I will be three years post op on the 14th. I had zero complications. Left the hospital pain meds free and went back to a desk job in less than two weeks. I have lost right at 100 pounds, currently weighing 158 as of today. Ideally, I think 145-149 is my target, but skin may have to get snipped off to get there. I got to 175 in about ten months and then took the next eighteen months to lose down another few pounds to the current weight. I have not bounced upward.....yet.
I am a diabetic and it is not fully resolved. HOWEVER, my numbers are in absolute control with about 1/5 of the medication I took prior to surgery. And all of that medicine on board still had my diabetes in chaos. Now, I am a poster child of good control.
Emotionally it has been harder. Learning to accept me as myself. The not-so-subtle attention that turns your head. The compliments along with the realization I wasn't accepted when I was fat. It was the harder part for me. I went back to the psych eval doctor this summer and find it very rewarding. My professional life has skyrocketed. Fat professionals are not welcomed everywhere.
What's next? I still never made exercise a part of my life. I will be fifty next year and KNOW if I don't move I will not hold on to strength and vitality. I have taken a fondness to wine too far. It is not a problem yet, but I can forsee a new issue if I don't keep it in check. I am educating myself.
I sit anywhere. I wear 10/12 down from 24/26. My shoe size changed, too! I am smaller than some of my friends so they give me hand me downs. I weigh less now than I have ever weighed as a teen or adult. I went to my 30th high school reunion. THAT was very fun, indeed. I hiked part of the Bright Angel Trail in the GRAND CANYON. Freaking awesome!
I am still stunned when a man gives me attention in public. It happened this weekend at a company Christmas Party. My husband's (of 28 plus years) coworkers quickly went hollering for him. They did not like the man dancing with me. (Huge party, several regions, over 900 guests, so no one knew everyone). I just laughed. He was young and cute. (Golden Rule: Don't leave me on the dance floor alone and this won't happen!)
What is next for you? Are you still going to a support group? (I am). Do you keep up with other WLS post-ops? Do you pay it forward when asked?
Keep sharing! I loved so many of the posters here way back when. I have such fond memories of the posts and the freak outs and the WOW moments.
Dec 5th was my 3 year anniversary... I have lost 243lbs as of today...was 292 but have put back on 49lbs.. OH my goodness... My life is STILL so much better.
I am able to live again.. I am still fighting those food demons on a daily basis, and you can see from my gain.. I am losing the fight. I WILL gain control.. I have to. I am so blessed to have had this opportunity to throw it all away. That is why I really appreciate all of you.
How are you doing Vicky?
I was JUST thinking of doing this same thing!
I tell you what - WLS has been one of the best things that has EVER happened to me!! If I go back to my all-time-highest recorded weight, I have lost 170 pounds. However, it's probably more like 190 from my highest UNrecorded weight! And I give God all the glory!
I have fulfilled all of my pre-weight loss surgery goals including:
Sitting ANYWHERE comfortably
Sitting on the floor criss-cross applesauce with my kids
Buying clothes anywhere
RUNNING (I have run 4.5 miles at ONE time! and finished a 5K!)
I work out - FAITHFULLY
I feel like a different person. I nearly lost my life initially, but I have had very few complications since!!
I have learned that I am addicted to food and it's still a daily struggle. WLS is a wonderful thing, but it's WORK and if you think this is the easy way out, you are a fool. I still struggle. But, it's in a different way.
I wore a size 32 at my largest.
I now wear a size 12 or L
I would still like to get down to 150 - but I am comfortable at 175. I keep working and DO slide back into old habits. But, God always brings me around. It can be a roller coaster, but MOSTLY I am able to maintain and eat healthfully and the way God intended.
What about the rest of you?! How are things going?!?!

Awesome! When you began this journey, did you have any clue what it would be like?
How has your life changed? Physically? Emotionally? Relationships?