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Topic: RE: Getting Honest~
Ok-I'll try to be honest here.
1) Eaten chips? -- YES!!!! And I enjoyed them immensly-but they were the no fat 1/2 calorie ones from Lays and they were GOOD!
2) Tried soda?--No
3) Tried something with sugar?--No-at least not more than a little sugar. too afraid.
4) Eaten Popcorn?--Yes, at the movies with DGD-made me feel a little yucky.
5) Chewed Gum?--No, I'm not a gum chewer.
6) Skipped a meal?--No, I've tried to at least have a protein shake. I'm really missing those snacks though-My Dr. said "3 meals, no snacks" and it's getting harder and harder to listen.
7) Not exercized for a whole week straight? --No, I've tried really hard to exercise at least 5 days a week.
8) Eaten your carbs and no protein for a meal?--No, well when I first went off clear liquids-I once had tomato soup and saltines-but it was ok according to the Dr.
9) Had an alcoholic beverage?-No, I don't drink. I've seen too much heartache from this stuff to be even tempted.
10) Eaten out at a restaurant?--Sure, lots of times. I just make sure I have my protein and keep it light-if the meal is too big-I just take most of it home with me.
I gotta say, I do not feel the least bit guilty for most of these-I'm still living my life and intend to continue to do so. Blessings to all Dec. babies.
Topic: RE: Getting Honest~
1) Eaten chips? 1 or 2 Prinkles. I suck them until they are mush. Really don't think its about the chips but the SALT that I am after. The can is going stale and I don't think I will replace it
2) Tried soda? Nope but after everyone told me I could drink things cold I am drinking decafe tea. I brew one black tea bag and one green tea bag. It doesn't taste as good as the caffine kind but it will work. I use two sweetners.
3) Tried something with sugar? H@##LL to da Naw tooo SKARED
4) Eaten Popcorn? I haven't wanted any and I used to eat a whole bag 2 to 3 times a week
5) Chewed Gum? No I wasn't a gum chewer
6) Skipped a meal? I did at the start. Too sick. Sometimes if I am really busy I still skip but I try not to do it too ofter. Sometimes I am just too full from dense food so I sip sip sip
7) Not exercized for a whole week straight? Whats that?????
8) Eaten your carbs and no protein for a meal? I try to eat all protein then other stuff every now and then
9) Had an alcoholic beverage? I never drank
10) Eaten out at a restaurant? Yes and I don't ask for the WLS discount. I figure they didn't make me gain weight so I just let it go. I bring stuff home it sits if the fridge until trash day. Don't know why I keep bringing it home
I don't think I am failing either because I know the damage I can do! I am still dealing with the boil issue and can't understand why I can't heal. I went into a two week stall because the medicine they had me on had SUGAR in it. Yesterday at the doctors the scale finally moved so I guess you really can't call it a stall. When I first went in for the boil I was 237. Yesterday I was 230. YEEEEEEYYYYYY hhhhaaaaa thats TEXAN YALL
The next problem.....I keep going to my closet and I have FINALLY gotten good about giving away my too large clothes. Now the
empreor has no clothes
Topic: Getting Honest~
Hey there December friends. I was just reading the main message board and it led me to wonder have you __________???
1) Eaten chips?
2) Tried soda?
3) Tried something with sugar?
4) Eaten Popcorn?
5) Chewed Gum?
6) Skipped a meal?
7) Not exercized for a whole week straight?
8) Eaten your carbs and no protein for a meal?
9) Had an alcoholic beverage?
10) Eaten out at a restaurant?
Here are my answers:
1) Eaten chips? I have eaten chips several times, but only 2-5 at a time.
2) Tried soda? I have sipped it, but it doesn't sit well or really even taste good.
3) Tried something with sugar? NO WAY!! I am a humungo chicken to do this and I don't even crave it. I had a serious DUMP from meds and I am SUPER CHICKEN to eat sugar.
4) Eaten Popcorn? Yep
5) Chewed Gum? Yep, and I even SWALLOWED it accidentaly. I about FREAKED because I hear it can cause awful complications. But, I was fine.
6) Skipped a meal? Yes, I am notorious for skipping breakfast. In the mornings my pouchie is always kinda yucky feeling.
7) Not exercized for a whole week straight? Sadly, yes. I still struggle with excersizing like I should. But, I am getting better.
8) Eaten your carbs and no protein for a meal? Yes, at least I think so. I have trouble getting all my protein in.
9) Had an alcoholic beverage? Nah
10) Eaten out at a restaurant? Yep, I have eaten a taco, and LOTS of salads.
Despite all of these things that can be considered downfalls, I DON'T feel like I am failing. But, as I read people on the main boards I get a little scared. What about the rest of ya'll? Do you feel worried about anything?
Topic: RE: shoe size changes?
I was wondering the same thing. I used to wear a 8 now I am wearing a 6 1/2, I wasnt sure if it was the tennis shoes compared to sandals or what happened.
Topic: RE: 50 pounds gone forever!!
Great job Dee! I also am down 50! I wake up every morning wondering if I will still be able to fit into my 'smaller' jeans, and YEP-its not over yet!
Topic: RE: hundredland!!
I think that the last time I was under 200 was in college also. The best part is knowing that I will never be above it again!
Topic: RE: where to count a 100lbs gone
I count from the day of surgery when I got on the scale and it said 338 lbs. When I went to my PCP 2 weeks prior to surgery it was 324 but I am using the 338 weight since that was my most recent weight.
Topic: RE: shoe size changes?
Yes, the shoe size was the first to go on a downward path for me. I think by week 3 or 4 I was out buying new shoes because mine were too big. Before surgery, I could wear a 12 wide, some 13 depending on where I purchase them and now I can wear a 10 1/2 - 11 (depending on where I get them from). It feels good to walk in a store and find your size on the shelf.
Topic: RE: Polling fellow December members
Hi Susan:
How do you feel? I am finally feeling good. I had a moment after surgery where I was dumping a lot and couldn't keep things down. Now, I feel normal.
Are you still battling with nausea? Not really, I have my ups and downs. I usually know what causes the nausua and that is eating too fast or too much diary product.
If so how often? not that often that I can count
Does anything help you? I take chewable Pepto Bismol, also take Pepcid 2x a day
Any other problems you are experiencing on a regular basis?none at this present moment, Thank the Lord
What does your diet consist of at this point? salad, soup, shrimp, chicken, turkey, meatloaf, tacos (soft), sandwiches, grapes, strawberries I have been bad and slipped a few no-no foods but I usually make up for it with extra exercising or a healthier meal the next round. I also found out that I do not dump on sugar and that's not good for me. But, I rarely do anything that has more than 10g of sugar. Trying to kick that bad habit fast!!!
Do you smoke?No