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Topic: RE: since dec 20th
Hello there its normal I think to worry about your goals,,, my surgery was 12/1/05 I am 5'9 and my starting weight was 286.5 I wore size 26/28 and am now down to 223.5, and I wear size 15/16 pants and XL shirts because of the boobs.. But I worry all the time that I wont get down to what my Dr wants me to be at.. But Ive decided that if I dont lose another pound and stay at thei weight for the rest of my life I would be happy I like me rite now and I feel great so if I lose more wonderful, fantastic but if i dont lose more,, Im ok with that too...
Topic: RE: Hey Surgery twins! (december surgeries)
Hello there I had my surgery 12/16/05 and am now down a total of 63lbs I walk and ride my exercise bike every day and water aerobics 2 x's a week. I am doing great on my diet I was up to 100 g protein per day and my Nut said back down to about 78 perday.. I get all my water plus some. I dont dump anymore because ive learned my lesson.. its hurts youchy.. Over all Im doing Fantastic.. and Im loving life!!
Topic: RE: Anyone forget to eat?
Boy do I feel for you I am just about four months out from my surgery and food is a pain in the Askmes... But I am getting very good and pretending... I eat a lot of veggies, I've decided that I love Cucumbers and they when chewed flow through the pouch very easy, I Mix Cucumbers and tomatoes with a little bit of FF ranch and toss, it has a good smell and it tastes good.. I also have worked fruits into my diet for fillers, Watermellon, grapes, pineapples, .. I also dice cucumbers up and mix them with my tuna, (sounds grose but it is actually good make it like a salad so you eat it without crackers or bread.. Salads go down really good. Buy the flozen fish, like Cod for instance, cut up some vegies and drizzle with lemon juice sprinkle with salt and pepper wrap in Aluminum and bake or grill.. it has good protein and flavor.
try new things see if they sit well...
(deactivated member)
on 3/27/06 2:47 am
on 3/27/06 2:47 am
Topic: RE: Hey Surgery twins! (december surgeries)
Hi December People!
My surgery was 12-14. I started at 240 and have lost 50#. I haven't been at 190 since high school almost 30 years ago. I haven't done any formal exercise yet...... getting ready to. Ugh.... I hate the excuses myself. Eating is good. I can eat crackers and crisp foods even though it isn't the best choice. Chicken and fish is great. I have cut back on cheese for the calorie content. I use protein supplements daily to get my protein in. I couldn't eat enough to get it all from food. I am trying to boost my protein from the initial 60 g per day to a more steady 80-90 as suggested by so many people on OH.
Great success to everyone!
Topic: RE: Anyone forget to eat?
I can relate. I used to find that eating was such a chore since surgery. Last week, I tried something new... I now drink 2 protein drinks a day and have about one meal(usually chicken). Maybe I will have a yogurt or some cheese as a snack. Its nice because I don't have to worry about food as much. And at this point, I LOVE that. I used to be obsessed with food, so it is nice for me now to not care at all.
The water/fluids is another story. I don't ever get in the suggested amount, so I try to always have something to drink in front of me. But that is a chore.
I am glad my feelings for food are gone. I feel freed from the addiction and depenence I had on it.
I think that as long as you are getting in your protein, you should be fine.
Topic: RE: I am confused/please help
I believe its water weight. I have gained as much as 3.5lbs. I went back up 2lbs after losing 7lbs earlier this week. I know I'm working out and watching what I eat. Then I realized what was going on when I couldn't remove my rings and my boots and socks are tight. Up your fluid intake and watch your sodium.
Hope this helps...

Topic: RE: Anyone forget to eat?
Oh my goodness! I can't imagine forgetting to eat. I still enjoy food and enjoy going out to eat with DH.
Some things I like...
chopped crab, tuna, chicken mixed with ff mayo on crackers or cukes
bean soup
salad-with protein added
frozen fruit added to protein shakes
stuffed portabella mushrooms with feta cheese
pizza-made on flat bread
string cheese
rice cakes
soy crisps
sf, ff pudding with a little ff coolwhip added
hummus and baked corn chips
Lays light ff potato chips for a treat.
As far as my water -I do pretty good and sometimes I too have a protein shake for two meals a day-but I like them. I like my decaf coffee, crystal light, and flavored water.
I told my hubby the best thing about this surgery is getting to have at least one protein shake a day. YUM. He's been having them too and he didn't have the surgery-but he's down 45 pounds.
Topic: RE: since dec 20th
You can talk pounds all you like..I will talk pictures. You look fabulous!! I'm trying to be polite here, but Meagan you look so hot now! Forget the scale..just look in the mirror!!! Sunny
Topic: RE: I am confused/please help
Sorry about your back and the weight gain. It is normal, though. Your are probably holding water around your injured muscles. I always gain a few pound when I hurt my back. It is your bodies way of trying to heal itself. Don't beat yourself up about it. The pounds will drop off again when you're feeling better.