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Topic: RE: Out of the ditch and Down to 198!!
Good job JoAnne! Getting the brain in the right gear can be so difficult at times!
Topic: RE: Out of the ditch and Down to 198!!
Good for you after all this hard work!! Congrats mostly on the renewed effort and enthusiasm -- its hard to recapture that. Now you know it can be done.
Topic: RE: OMG the Century Club Finally!!!!!!!!
That is wonderful news, Girl Ninja, and I am really identifying with you. After being stuck between 202 and 208 for six months (I was eating badly), I got back on the wagon and today I hit 198! Not only did I break the 200 pound barrier, but my total is 104 pounds since surgery! I hadn't heard of the Century Club before, but I get to join too!!! Let's both keep up the good work.

Topic: Out of the ditch and Down to 198!!
YAY! This is Day 5 and I am out of the ditch and celebrating! In spite of being on an emotional roller coaster the last 48 hours because of a crisis in my daughter's family, I have stayed on my food plan.
As a result, besides feeling much better about myself, I have finally broken the 200 pound barrier. This is after spending six months at 202 to 208. Please join me in a big WOO-HOO!

Topic: Day 4- Rough Day
This was "Climbing Out of that Ditch" Day 4, and it was a challenge. One of my married children has a real crisis going on in her family, and she called me several times for advice and support. Unfortunately, the crisis is one that pushes buttons for me from my childhood, so the emotions were tough to handle.
I managed, though, and stayed on my food plan. I'm feeling grateful that the day is over and that I can retreat to the safety of my bed for about seven hours.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit easier. Back tomorrow...

Topic: RE: Climbing out of that ditch DAY 2
My hat is off to you. I need to be right with you. I have not gained any weight but I have slowed down my weight loss big time. I have only loss 1 pound since 12/20/06. I hate exercise and I can eat just about everything. I feel so guilty right now. I know what it feels like to be addicted to something and have a lose of control. Sugar was my down fall and I wish that I had never tried it again.
I think that I am going to take your idea and go back to the basics. Protein drinks and mush here I come.
Pray for me and I'll pray for you.
Topic: Climbing out of that ditch DAY 2
I said I'd post daily for awhile, so here I am. I have two days back on my food plan, off the sugar--and I have a killer headache-- but I am joyous!
Two days sounds like nothing in the "real" world, but if you've ever been in relapse, you know what a precious gift 48 hours on the right track is. I'm doing pureed foods, which was suggested at the support group meeting I attended in December. It feels a whole lot like starting over at the beginning, which is a good thing. I was afraid I'd be ravenous, but 1/2 to 3/4 cups of food is satisfying.
I'm keeping a food diary and writing in my journal too--two things I have resisted big time until now. I guess I had to get sick and tired of being sick and tired. Thanks for listening. I'll be back...

Topic: RE: WOW moment
IT was easy to give up the catalogs. What I am having a problem with is in the stores. I hold something up and say this is way too small. With my bone problem I never try any thing on in the store. I am so amazed when I get home and some things are still too big. It took forever to stop picking up 14s. I used to pick them up and say some day. Now I have to stop going in the Womens section. I feel lost in the Misses.
Topic: RE: ALL THIS ATTENTION - Are You Tired Of It Yet ????
Until last night I thought every one was happy for me. A person that saw me when I first started saw me for the first time since around May. They were so quiet I just thought maybe they didn't feel well. Well another person whispered in my ear "so and so is pissed because you lost so much weight" That took me aback. I guess you never really know who a true/real friend is. I would have never thought this of this person.