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Topic: RE: HELP
After I got to thinking about that and after a comment in my online support group, I wrote to Sally the nutritionist who was supposed to have given that information but she said it was taken out of context - that was for a 6'4" individual - so if you stay between 80-100 grams a day, you should be fine. Point is to have at least 75% protein to 25% carbs. Sally was going to check out the handbook they are using and let me know how to revamp that formula.
Topic: RE: HELP
Wow, That seems like alot of protein, I am lucky to get in 75 to 80 grams.
According to your figures I need 141 grams. I am not sure how I would get all that and keep my calorie intake down. As it is I am eating aprox 1300 to 1400 calories a day, which seems too high, I have been at a stale for 2 weeks now. But hey I will try your theory.. It couldn't hurt. Thanks alot for your advice..
Topic: RE: Encouragement needed!!!!
I have been stress eating also, isn't it funny, I thought if i lost weight I would not be stressed and the LAST thing I would do it eat. LOL.
I am back to basics as of today, I remember when milk was the sweetest thing I had, now I can eat sweets and crave them again, It is scarry that i want them so much again. I have 30/40lbs till my goal (my scale broke), but just so you all know - your not alone.
Topic: RE: How much do you really weigh
I weight 143 in my birthday suit and with out the skin Id be like 138ish that would be wonderful, Allthough Im told by so many people now " you need to gain some weight" whats up with that?? I think they are on drugs, no more weight gain for me.. I left that demon at the hospital!!
Topic: New picture!
Finally figured out how to upload a picture - has before and after together on my profile. Thank you to everyone for helping me through this last year!!
Topic: RE: PS Insurance!! Please Help!!
Unfortunately I have no experience with any of those companies- sorry!
Does Aetna have a website for it's insured? You could find out what they exclude there perhaps. Maybe you can ask your husband to bring home the Aetna HMO insurance info booklet so you can get a feel for what the exclusions are? Or you can call their 800 number and try to find out that way.
Good luck
Topic: RE: How much do you really weigh
Yes the ouch period is over. Everything healed really nice and I'm sure it's because I upped my protein and water intake. I'm sitting at 148 right now. It's great to have a flat belly again - it's been since I was 10 or so that I had one!
Topic: RE: Knock knock?
I know what you mean! But running seems to relieve my stress which has been way up lately so run I will!
Topic: RE: Knock knock?
My how we have changed. Before WLS my idea of a 10 K was to go to the freezer and see how fast I could put away a carton of ice cream. I seldom eat ice cream now and when I do it is such a small amount its not worth the bother. I can't believe I just said that.