Have you ever felt like this?
It started earlier this week. Not sure if I should be concerned or if it is just a passing pharse.
I start to feel very cold. It feels like a very cold wind has blown through my body and maybe 5 minutes later I get very jittery and nervous. I feel my whole body shaking from the inside out. I HATE this feeling. At first I thought that my blood sugar was too low but this has happened to me two times not even an hour after eating a meal (example- I had 2 eggs and a piece of whole wheat toast. Before that I had 16 oz of ff milk with AnyWhey protein powder. I was not hungry!) When this happens to me I eat ritz crackers with peanut butter and sip a small amount of apple juice. I start to feel the symptoms go away after 15 to 20 minutes but I still I not feel like me for at least an hour. What is wrong with me!?
75 lbs down since 12/05 rny
Can you have someone check your blood sugars the next time this happens? Does it happen right after exercise? It sounds like a low blood sugar reaction. Either way, check with your doctor or nurse.
I just started losing weight and am freezing again. Having a bald head doesn't help.

I just wanted to say thank you for your thoughts and concerns. I called the surgeon's office and I spoke with the nurse. She toold me that the symptoms that I am having sounded like a hormonal thing. She said that because of the rapid weight loss I may be having issues with my blood sugar levels or other hormones. I expalined to her that I also had numbness and blood flow problems in my right hand and she explained that, that was due to the weight loss also. She said that my body weight is shifting and this effects the blood flow.
She suggested that I contact my pcp just to be checked out. She did not think that this was a life threatening situation and that it was only temperary(sp). I called the pcp for an appointment but they were gone for the day. I will try again tomorrow. The nurse is sending me lab work request in the mail because I will have my 6 month visit in June. Maybe this will show if something more needs to be done also. I will keep you updated just in case anyone else has these issues.