What do you eat WRONG?
I told very very very few family members then when I hit being 9 to 10 months out I told everyone! I got over it. I was SO afraid of what ppl would think and how they would judge me. Finally I got over it and said if you judge me then God will judge you. I think my timing was pretty good on telling people even strangers. LOL! I did tell a close friend and she told ppl! So I would suggest if you are going to tell a friend then tell everyone even a stranger. I wanted to make sure the surgery worked bc I have heard some ppl lose like 70 lbs and nothing more or even less and need a revision. God blessed me by allowing me to have the surgery. Do what you think is right and everything will work out. Sadly you will realize who are your friends and who aren't. I have to say I lost one. But couldn't be a friend tho in the first place I guess you could say! I wish you the absolute best w/whatever decision you make!
Lap Rny
May 13, 2005
22 yrs old, 5'1
231 / 136 / 120
Well, my sister and I work together, and she has been in the process for over 2yrs., so she has been everyone's center of attention as she loses and gains weight(my sister is extremely overweight and really needs to have the surgery). So later, I come along, and get referred for surgery, everyones noticing that I'm losing weight, and begin asking me do I plan to have the surgery. There were a lot of people who had a lot of negative things to say....but hey, the way I look at it is that I am doing this for me and my health....so I didn't give a DAYUM what anybody had to say
.....but most people were very supportive
Anyway, after I lose a tremendous amount of weight, I plan on being the poster child for WLS....I can't weight....OOPS, I mean wait!
Lady D

Like a lot of people I didn't want to discuss my WLS with others. Now that I have scheduled my surgery (5/9!!) I am feeling more confident. Before I kept thinking, what if I'm not approved for the surgery and I tell everyone about it? Also, knowing that many would not understand and some would question my decision, I still haven't told many. My family knows and my closest friends but that's it. I am taking time off work after the surgery and it will be extremely noticeable when I return (I am taking a month off) so I guess they'll figure it out or have a bunch of questions when I return. I still won't be saying anything because really it's my business and that's it. But as others said you have to choose the best option for you.
When I was considering, I told my family and close friends. Now I had a few friends who were literally like, "whatever!" or "why don't you just exercise and diet?" And I'm looking at their overweight or slightly overweight bodies and saying, isn't that what you've been doing for years? Yes? Well, it doesn't look like anything has changed for you either! Then the same people would call back weeks later asking how overweight you have to be to get the band. Atfirst, I was considering the band, and I ended up going bypass. I feel like if they don't care to understand that this is my health and happiness that I am considering, then they weren't a friend in the first place. I know that I have low self esteem and the same people, skinny friends, big friends, strangers, have always said, wow, sherry is soooo pretty. And i'm thinking how? Then during my considering WLS process, I was excited, nervous, scared, I looked in the mirror one day and I thought, you know, I am "kinda' cute, LOL. So then I said to myself, you know, those who tripped on me about this surgery just don't want me to be cute and normal sized! I would hear, it's not that you're THAT big! Uhm, are you even big enough to have the surgery? I mean crazy stuff and it's like, do you KNOW how much I weigh? My friend told me I better thank God I don't look like my weight because if I did.... LMAO! But I told everyone towards the end.My co-workers, supervisors, everyone! I didn't want anyone to think I had a terminal illness if the weight started to drop off. Plus, I felt like if I told them and they were pleased with my results, maybe they would consider it for themselves as well because I have SEVERAL overweight friends. But to each is own. WLS is not for everyone. I could care less WHAT people think. Just like them, I still have to diet, I still have to exercise, but this time, I'm practically guaranteed to lose weight and not become discouraged because I AM dieting and exercising and nothing is coming off! and I can't BINGE on a bad day and gain 5 pounds and then cry the next day because of the 5 pounds and gain another 5, because my stomach won't allow me!
Anyways, I'm proud of my decision. I had a couple of coworkers tell me, call us and less us know you're alive after the surgery. LMAO. Uh?? boo!
i was pretty quiet about it and only told a few good friends before the surgery. i remember also telling my immediate family members to not say anything to their friends. now that i'm 7 months out and down over 75 lbs. i'm soo much more open about it. i got a new job months after surgery (and a significant weight loss) and i "came out" in conversation when several co-workers were making disparaging remarks about the procedure, what little they'd heard from inflammatory news reports and the kinds of people who have it done. i really surprised them with my revelation but most importantly, i changed their minds for the better about the whole topic. so talking about my experience has been something i'm more and more open to doing.
Except for an occasional homemade Wine Cooler or Frozen Margarita, I have stayed strictly on my diet. I do have that same thing as you about going in the kitchen and deciding it isn't worth the trouble to make something so samll to eat. We had one of the surgeons at our Support Group Monday night and he was very adamant about staying on a schedule to teach your body your new eating habits, so I am trying not to skip, even when it is a pain to make some little thing or the other.
OK. In theory this is my secret recipe...but we're all friends...right?
Marx Sunrise/Sunset Wine Coolers
1 Orange
1 Lemon
1 Lime
1 Quart/Half Gallon of Pinapple/Orange Juice
1 2-Liter Diet 7-up
Whatever blush or white wine you like...for coolers I use boxed Vella Zin
1 1-Gallon Jug - I use one that has a strainer top
Get a cutting board and a sharp knife
Cut all the fruit however you like...not too small - I always cut the ends off everything, the orange in half and then cut that in slices (half circles) and the lemons and limes in circles.
Dump the fruit in the 1-gallon Jug (Don't Squeeze)
Put some ice in the jug (should be about 1/4 full total with fruit and ice)
Put 1/2 of the 2 litre Diet 7-up in (I just hold the bottle horizontal until it is half in...eyeballing is OK here)
Put a BIG splash of the pinapple/orange juice in
Add your choice of wine to complete the gallon
Stir with a big old spoon
Put the lid on and pour into frosted or ice filled glasses
If you use Zin, should be the color of the sunrise/sunset and a little cloudy
Will taste fruity and light...GREAT for hot Texas afternoons
Never lost a party with this recipe...
If you are making a new batch same day...leave the fruit and work on top of it...nextday or later...new fruit, etc.
Enjoy my friends...my advice try alcohol at home in small amounts until you know what your pouch will do.