A Big Thank You to All and a Celebration!
Hello to Everyone,
Today is a pretty exciting day for me on my weightloss journey. Today I officially weigh 199 lbs. In some ways I can't believe it because it seems like it has happened so fast and yet at times it seems like it has taken quite awhile. I also wanted to tell every one of you how important your posts are to me. I don't post often but I am on here reading everyday. It has helped me so much, both in becoming knowledgeable and prepared prior to surgery but also in keeping me supported post op. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Paula T.
Hi Brandi,
A lot of doctors and hospitals require the seminar first. It is actually pretty helpful and you are right it is nice to be in a room where you don't have to worry about being judged like that. Pay attention, take notes and just remember that this is the first step of many until you finally get to where you want to be. I had my seminar in Feb. her in NC. I have to wait until 5/19 to see my surgeon because he does not see you within 90 days of being a smoker... I quit 3/4. So if you are a smoker... give it up pronto. Good luck.