Great idea for meats!
Hey guys! I've had a hard time with meats. My mother gave me a brilliant suggestion. She suggested that I put my meats into a pressure cooker and then add the cooked meat into whatever recipe I'm cooking for the day. I just tried some boneless and skinless chicken and it came out super soft! No problem with it whatsoever (which is a miracle in itself for me). The best part of it was that I put the chicken in frozen (it's allowed!) and followed a food chart and 10 minutes later it was fully cooked and super tender. I'm making chicken enchilada's for the family (no bread for me, but that's cool) tonight. I bet it would do really well for steaks as well. I just thought I'd pass the tip along!
I also googled "pressure cooker recipes" and came up with a lot of great looking recipe ideas.
Hope this helps!
God Bless
Carol G.
334/256/180 (my goal)

I ate 5 tiny pieces of charcoal grilled top sirloin with no problems yesterday and it was so delicious!! I have to admit I am getitng tired of chicken, occassional lean ham and refried beans. I have gotten quite used to Motzerella cheese and 3 reduced fat wheat thins for breakfast though. It is good to know there is something else I can have every once in awhile and do okay. The only vegetables I do well with is cooked carrots, brocoli and green beans, but they have hardly any nutritional value so I do not like to eat them. I have tried peas, but find the pea outsides do not chew up very well. I do like V8 though and cucumber.