3-1/2 months out - Reflux
I had my lap RNY on 12/16/05. I have had a good bit of trouble with reflux ever since. However, I have had reflux for many years. I was just wondering if any of you have had this problem since surgery. I had an upper GI test and CT scan that showed that I have reflux but that my surgery is fine. I just hurt most of the time - the kind of pain that makes you think you need a Zantac, etc. -- like heartburn/indigestion. Sound familiar? If so, does it get better with time?
My reflux was later diagnosed as a stricture. I didn't I just had HB all of the time. Even when I would take in a deep breath. My doctor gave me Prevacids and I was chewing Tums like candy with no relief. He had to perform an EGD to diagnose it. Now, the only problem I have is that I don't feel full anymore.
I'm right with you. I had reflux pre-surgery but nothing like I am now. (it's much worse) My Dr. gave me Prevacid but it doesn't last so I am taking Prilosec OTC in between. I had an UGI and reflux is all it showed for me too. I have an appt. in a week or so and I'm hoping to get some answers then. I'm kind of worried that with all this acid, I'll end up with an ulcer. It's just no fun feeling icky all the time, is it? I keep telling myself by 6 months out, surely I'll be feeling better. Hopefully, you will too. Keep us posted. Since I'm experiencing the same thing, I'll watch for updates from you.
When I got up this morning, I had no pain. I have now had a little decaf coffee and am drinking my protein shake right now and hurting a good bit. I took two Zantac this morning already, but it hurts. I had an upper GI a few weeks ago and it showed mild to moderate reflux, but yowza it can really hurt.
I've decided that this morning I will call my surgeon's office. This is very uncomfortable and I want to look further into it. Good luck and let's keep each other posted.
Hi Linda -
I"m glad you called your surgeon. The scope is how they tell whether you have a stricture. If you do, they use a little balloon to dilate it during the procedure. So...if you have one, they'll find and take care of it at the same time. They can also find out if you have an ulcer or not. I go to my Surgeon friday for my regular appt. and at this point I'm hoping he'll want to do a scope on me. I'll be suprised if I have a stricture cause I'm not vomiting either. I wouldn't be suprised if he found an ulcer though. All this acid has got to be doing some kind of damage I would think. Hopefully we'll get this taken care of soon. If your like me, you're pretty tired of feeling bad all the time. I'll be watching for your post to say how the scope went.
I didn't throw up at all when my stricture was discovered. I just had constant heartburn and it was very painful. I would come home and take some of my Lortab (I hate that stuff) each night. They did the scope and sent me home. You're knocked out during the procedure.
Good luck and keep us posted,