I could'nt dump:(
Sound Crazy? I can eat sweets and dont dump.. I felt constipated and thought it would help the situation by eating some sweets... It make me feel bad but I dont dump... Whats funny is I never was a sweet eater.. I probably could count the times I ate a candy bar or had Ice Cream .. I was not raised on sweets.. dont care for cookies or cake..but POTATOES.. I could eat them any way your bring um.. Fried, mashed, stewed, tots, hashed...Once I look at my grocery cart.. I had a bag of potatoes for baking , potato chips, French Fries and a box of instant potatoes... you get the point.. but you know what the first time I tried som tator tots.. I dumped big time and I dont crave potatoes anymore... Do dumping have any thing to do with what our bodies have gotten use to in the past?.. its a crzy ride but I'm lovin it down 55 pounds since surgery

I havnt dumped yet either..although I think I was close once on carnation instant breakfast.. and I have had some sweets... I am always conservative.. the 3 bite rule... and this new life is all about moderation... not giving it up for life ( cept for carbonation... wont touch the stuff... that I really miss)... not sure about the potatoes... I know they are considered a sugar, because they break down to sugar... I found that out once during a glucose test for pregnancy... it made my sugar high because I had some waffle fries for lunch that day... figures huh...I think its all about finding out what we can tolerate and whatwe cant... rice makes me throw up... it did once... and I tried it again recently... and tried to wa**** our when my stomache started hurting... sat over the toilet and everything... but it washed through and the feeling went away... wont touch the stuff with a 10 ft pole...LOL