negativity from others
We had surgery the same day! I have been getting negative attitudes as well. One of the things I made my mind up about involves becoming "selfish". All of my life I did for others and I decided it is now my turn. I can't save the world, at the same time I am the only one that can save me. I take care of me first now. Bring the thoughts to your mind that work for you so you don't allow yourself to feel guilt about other people. You took this step to help yourself. Others need to make their own decisions in the same way. You can do this by being empathetic if you feel it necessary. I have learned to let this kind of thing roll off my back. Didn't you spend enough time in misery-land? Don't get sucked back by other people. It isn't worth it and you can't change anything for others. Hope this makes sense.
You cannot control the lives of other people. Its not you fault things have worked out well for you, and you are doing better for yourself. Keep your head up high and continue to love the people who are being negative toward you. Please do not let other people bring you down, not for something you have worked so hard for.
Okay, I admit that I'm human and I want everyone to be happy for me. It's just not happening and I've learned to develop thicker skin. No, I've learned to use the same coping skills I used when people made comments about my weight.
Recent good advice given to me: Just realize that it's their problem and not yours. Continue to smile and look fabulous. Happiness is the best revenge.
~60lbs total
I'm jealous of your 70lbs, also.