I have had a bunch of little wows nothing to write home about. My first big wow was fitting into the booth at Popeyes. Couldn't believe it.
Most of you know I have had a lot of Ortho surgeries over the years and very limited to what I can do. I have not been in a hugh shopping mall in decades. Just couldn't walk it. I went into Dillards. That was the only store. But that was a BIG deal to me. We walked slow and went on every floor. I was like a kid in a candy store. So much has changed so much has stayed the same. I was walking and looking and walking and walking. Finally it was my friend that said I better call it a day. It has been YEARS since I have walked that much and WITH OUT holding on to a shopping cart!!!!!!!! Yes I did hurt the next day but it was muscle hurt and not bone hurt. I kept checking my self. I don't know how to act with out my bones hurting. I can't wait to do it again but I do have to take it slow so I don't hurt my bones. The last hip replacement I had my bones were so brittle they had to use some one elses to complete the replacement. So even if I do become a walker it will forever have to be a slowwwwwww walker. But hey I don't care I AM WALKING