Feeling bluesy today....
Well, I'm not complaining because I've lost 67 lbs since I had my surgery but I've still got such a long road ahead to get to where I want to be. I started out at 353 lbs. and the doc says I should lose 190 lbs. total. That means I've still got 123 lbs. to go. Patience has never been my strong suite. I wish I'd had this surgery 100 lbs ago. Like I said, I'm just feeling bluesy today.
I've had plenty of blues days myself. I'm so glad I did the surgery and have lost weight but some days a person just feels down. I have learned to just praise God for my progress so far and ask for his help to keep me going! 67 pounds is a lot of weight! Just think how great you will feel with another 123 off!
I know how you feel. I started out at 338 lbs and my personal goal weight is 175 (that's a 163 lb loss). I have only lost 59ish pounds so far but that is 59 lbs that I couldn't do on my own. It may take me awhile to get to 175 lbs but at least I am on the right track towards that goal. Diona is right, be thankful for where you are at because 67 is great. 67 pounds is great
and I think that you are doing great! There are days that you are going to feel like a slow loser and that you have ways to go but think of it positively that soon and very soon you are going to get there. This time next year, we are going to be looking back at how far we came and I know that you are going to be telling everyone about how you lost that 190 lbs. Keep your head up and know that this too shall pass!

Thanks ladies! It's just been one of those days. I'll feel better tomorrow, I'm sure. Diona, I was curious about the results of your EGD, if you'd care to share. I'm wondering if I've got an ulcer and you said that you were having the same symptoms as me. JaNae, it's funny because I've used that same verse to get me through some of my darkest days. It's also what I always tell someone when they are struggling with something. It's one of my very favorite verses because it reminds me that there is always hope. This too shall pass. Thanks again!
My symptoms were feeling like my pouch was going to explode and then I'd have to run to the nearest bathroom and throw up. Then I'd throw up /gag up for about an hour and be exhausted. I couldn't keep anything down at times. Turns out my stoma (between stomach and intestine) had shut down to very little. My PCP did a stomach swallow test and sure as could be, my hole was too little to let the testured stuff by. I could drink water and eat pudding, but that was about it and then sometimes not even the pudding would work. The day after my EGD (which itself was a piece of cake - one minute laying there talking to the doctor, the next being told I could go now!) I ate 5 little meals and no hint of throwing up. If you are not sure, go talk to your doctor! It's not worth being miserable over. Good luck!!
Susan, I know how you feel. Go****'s like I typed it. I had RNY-lap done 12-12-05 and weighed 352 I didn't have a goal weight in mind just would like to fit into a loose 18. He (my doc) asked some questions and looked at my wrists (I suppose how big my bones are) and said I think you could get down to your "ideal" body weight. I asked what was that and he said 155. I asked Is that per leg? he,he. so that means a 197lb weight loss. I steped on the scale last week and I am down 70 lbs. although today it says I've gained 3. It might be the cheese and not emptying out. Awe who knows I'm not going to sweat the small stuff. My advice to you is take it in small bites. Focus on 23lbs first and then 25 lb steps after that. you will reach a plateau. mix it up a little exercise at a different time. do some thing you haven't done, eat a different snack etc.. you need to shock your body every once in a while. Feel free to E-mail me any time. Susan S.