Horrible reflux - Help!
At 2 months I have reflux at least 3-4 times weekly -- horrible burning, taking zantac/pepcid. Guess not everyone doesn't make stomach acid; I have enough for everyone!! I'm eating very carefully, and now this week not very much, but cottage cheese and a cracker for breakfast this morning almost killed me.
Advice please; I'm calling Barix in the am, but what has worked for you??
I suffered for a month with the heartburn and acid reflux symptoms. I wasn't throwing up and could get my fluids down. He had me on Prevacid and Zantac. Finally, I went in for Upper GI no problems. It got worse, the EGD showed a stricture. It's been 2 weeks and I'm off the Rolaids and Tums.
Go see your doctor!