I had a stricture, yesterday the Dr. dilated it
, and now I can actually eat real food. It has been almost two weeks since I could keep anything down. Yay! what a differance one little procedure makes. I went from almost closed to 12 mm. I couldn't find a ruler with mm on it so asked my DH. He went and got a 12 mm wrench to show me
what a great visual.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

It was a very easy procedure. I went to the endoscopy center at our outpatient surgery center. They started an IV, gave me something that kind of put me in a twilight state, sprayed my throat with some icky numbing stuff and did the procedure it only took about 20 minutes. Afterward they gave me verced which is supposed to make you forget the procedure. The only thing I really remember is someone patting my leg which was very comforting. I walked out and they told me not to drive, operate any machinery or use the stove. I came home and tried to take a nap but everyone kept calling to see how I was. Have been able to eat since. But I do know that it can happen again up to about 3 or 4 months out. It was really tight and they can't stretch too much or might tear something. I still think it might be a little tighter than it should be but I am doing ok with only a little pain when eating now. No vomitting and that is the best news of all.
I had the same problem. My upper GI showed that my pipes were working. I didn't throw up and was able to get down some solid foods and all of my fluids. It was the acid reflux and heartburn that got progressively worse as the weeks progressed.
I put off the EGD for a couple weeks. That was a