Food for thought.....
Thank you ladies, for your repplies, I think we or some of us need to have a forum for the slow loosers, sometimes is a bit of a dissapointment to see that some of you have lost a ton of weight and I am still loosing slow, I feel happy for you all that are loosing like nobodies business LOL, I wish I was there also. Another thing my Dr. told me was that this surgery doesn't work like a diet, you need to eat because we are actually starving our bodies and human body is too smart, and will hold on to everything it has since it doesn't know when the next meal is coming. Also he mention imagine you would probably were consuming around 2500 cal a day before (me the pig lol) and now your consumtion is around 300 to 500 cal. Oh well, today I went for my 2 mile walk and I ran a little never in a million years 5 months ago.
What makes you sick?
I am eating solids but I can't handle meat that is a total no NO NO, chicken sometimes makes me sick, so as far as eating is fish or tuna and shrimp. No fresh fruit or raw veggies either. I don't dump but I don't eat sweets, not my thing I love food, don't we all?
Sometimes, I get sad to see that my hubby and kids are enjoying the food I cook for them, and I don't and can't even eat, I sometimes wish I could enjoy a meal like I used to, do you?

like you I have a hard time with most matter how soft it is cooked or how much I chew. Chicken is impossible, so are stew meats. I can eat a little ground beef in sauce. I desperately miss real meat..the smell of a steak on the grill would do me in. LOL! I am also a slow loser. I think I need to eat more, but it is difficult since I throw up if I eat too much. I am still trying to figure this all out.
I find that I am kind of stressed out when it is time to more happy-go-lucky just popping something into my mouth. I am afraid every time I eat something that I will get that bubbles-in-the-mouth thing and then get sick. The fear is especially bad when I am either out or at work and people are around. I've thrown up in quite a few restrooms.
We just need to hang in there and do our best..the weight will come off eventually. Sunny
I lost pretty fast at first, about 35 the first month, now I am really slow. I've only lost 2# in the last 10 days. I am doing everything right....getting protien, drinking water etc. I avg about 700-800 cal a day, sometime I try to get a little more. I am exercising 1/2 hr 3 times a week, and one hour 3 times a week. I suppose it could be said I 'm building muscle....but it still gets a little frustrating. I am into size 20's (from 26) which is encouraging. But it's still a little discouraging since the doc said the first 6 months is the 'window of opportunity' and I'm not loosing like I'd like to. I guess all I know to do is try to increase my water.....some days I get just 64oz which is what we're supposed to get but I remember reading that when when you weigh more and when you're dieting and exercising you need even I'll try.
Well Beef of any kind makes me sick as a dog. I have thrown up in Sam's before I left after eating 1 meatball. I can eat chicken. I tryed shrimp for the first time and it went well. I use to love tuna salad. Now it is all I can do to get it down. I tryed baked skinless turkey breast. If I pay attention and chew chew chew I can eat one peice. it has 26 grams of protein in 4 oz. I tasted pretty good. But the first night I cooked it I didn't pay attention and fell back into old habits of chewing a little then swallowing and it came back up.
Most meat makes me sick too. I don't even do that well with scrambled eggs. One meat thing I can eat and do enjoy is either a Healthy Choice or Smart Ones TV dinner of Turkey and gravy and mashed potatoes. It is only around 200 calories and really tastes good. The turkey is soft and has plenty of gravy which makes it go down easier. Today I tried making my own tuna salad on ritz crackers and that was good. You have to mix it with plenty of diet mayo and mustard so it is moist. I think moist food is the key. Good luck everyone!