Updates...Progress Reports...
The carb free foods like the ice cream that makes you dump - they are all filled with sugar alcohols which are words that end in 'tol' - sorbitol, malitol, etc.... These are also used as baby laxitives and should be avoided, especially in quantity.
I am almost two weeks out and visiting from the January board....your posts are all very encouraging! Down 21 lbs so far...
Be well,
I'm 4 weeks out tomorrow and have lost a great big 12 pounds. Yesterday was our 40th anniversary and for the first time I hit 1000 cals by adding 1-1/2 protein bars - 1/2 mid afternoon and 1 at 10.pm for staying awake to drive home. Nothing has upset my pouch so am getting in about 600-800 cals and 64-90 fluids with 80-110g protein. I work out at the gym 45 min on a curves-like circuit. Nothing really strenuous but I can't walk so need to do some form of exercise.
I know I'll figure this out and though this has been a really slow start I'm not discouraged - just befuddled.
Yesterday's food
B - protein shake
L - 3 oz shrimp, 1/2 t dressing. 2" of bread stick
S - 1/2 protein bar
D - 2 oz crab, 2 oz swiss cheese, 2 T baked potato
S - protein bar
One of the joys of this wonderful tool is no decision making challenges. Wine? no thanks. Dessert? no thanks. I don't have to think about how much wine or which dessert, simply no thanks. I love it ! ! ! Also, we are salt-free at home and eating out always shows (on the scale) the ample use of salt in the commercial kitchens.
congrats to all you big losers ! ! !
I am a little over 5 weeks out. Most everything agrees with me so far. I am able to eat about 1/2 cup of food at a time, but never anymore sometimes less.
I had a virus for 10 days where eating was out, the only thing I could do was drink water which I could only get in 40 oz a day. I am past that now thank goodness.
When I went to my pcp last week for the virus, I was down 50 pounds.
I have learned that I must east slowly. I also have a hard time eating 6 times a day.
I'm 6 weeks out and today was my first day back at work. Some of my coworkers acted wierd, but for the most part they were very encouraging.
I'm on gradual return the first week (1/2 day). I don't mind saying that I was fading around 1pm (quitting time).
I've lost 32lbs since surgery (total 42lbs). I've unfortunately experienced complications and was in the hospital 7 days. Last week after feeling queasy and severe heartburn (HB) I was scheduled to have an EGD. I went to the doctor and we discussed the fact that I have only thrown up once. It turned out to be that pesky stomach virus. I can eat anything but beef stew meat. I have to watch my speed in drinking and eating because they believe it's causing the HB. Since, I've slown down I've been challenged to get in my fluids.
Todays planned menu:
B-1/2 cup Tuna salad. 4 multi-grain crackers.
S- Protein drink
L 1/2 sm banana, 1/4 cupTuna (HB returned), 1/4 cup of protein enriched apple sauce.
D- 1 oz meatloaf, 1/4 mash potatoes, 1/4 broccoli blend
S-Protein drink
I don't finish half of what I start because of the HB.

Hi everyone, I will be 5 weeks out as of tommorrow. Down 35 pounds! Already fitting into clothes that I haven't worn in awhile. Still supposed to be on soft foods but I have things like soft cheese and saltines and just chew it up well. Get nauseated once in a while - usually if I am hungry. Have not thrown up at all. Had a couple episodes of loose stools since surgery - both times after eating something with too many carbs. My sense of taste and smell seem different. Even the low carb ice cream and protein drink are way too sweet. Tend to stick with seafood, cheese, yogurt, apple sauce, SF pudding (Kozy shack), soup, and soft eggs. I do get hungry and have to eat something every 2 hours or so.
Hi JaNae,
I had my surgery on 12/13/05. I am down 40 lbs as of 01/20/06. I will be 6 weeks out on Tuesday. These last three weeks have been my biggest challenge.
The first few weeks were easy. I could eat more then. It seems like I have lost my taste for food. Nothing taste good anymore. Things that i used to love, I hate now. I get in all of my fluids and I get in between 60 and 75 grams of protein a day. It is not easy but I do it because I have too.
I love my new look. People can tell that I am losing weight now. I need to start exercising at the gym now but I will wait until I reach my full 2 months out.
I wish that I could eat more food varieties but my pouch does not like most things. I have an easier time with crisp and crunchy things. My pouch hates chicken! some days it likes beef and pork and other days it hates these things too. I have an easier time with vegetables than I do fruit. I was addicted to sweet stuff in my old life. I can eat almost any vegetable.
I am glad that I had this surgery and I would not take it back. Things will get easier as time goes on.
Good morning all:
Gosh hope my icon shows up...I am 4 weeks out and now eating real food. I had my last appoinment with the Nutritionist yesterday and she is so great. We went to our favorite restaurant last eve (italian), I ordered the pasta and meatballs. Well my grand total intake was, 1/2 meatball and about 1/4 cup pasta....but it stayed put. I have lost 26 pounds and 24 inches thus far. I still find getting all my calcium,protein and fluids a real challenge getting them in me. I ride my exercise bike during the day and walk as much as possible, I had a tendon transfer in November, so walking is still a challenge for me. I wish you all a great day and so glad to be on the losers bench with all of you....Debbie

What's been going on now that you are 4, 5, 6 weeks post-op?
I am 6 weeks Post Op and down 45 lbs.
What are your ups and downs?
Ups~losing dress sizes
Downs~Still get to feeling funky every once in a while. Also, not knowing what foods will do to you!! That is a hard thing to learn.
Have you learned anything new in the last few weeks that may be able to help someone else?
Not really
Where are you at in your diets?
I can eat anything except meats, but that should be coming soon.
Any challenges that you are facing?
Just still feeling tired. I am sure it's from the complications, but I just keep hoping every day is better.
Hi JaNae,
I start soft foods this Thursday. I have been moving ahead a little bit to try new foods. So far I have had no problems. I am getting tired of the protein powder. I have been trying to have a protein hot cocoa every morning to get my protein in. (50gms) I have been trying very hard to get my water in too. Somedays it's harder than others. I find that I have to drink room temperature liquids to get them to go down easier.
I started going to Curves last Thursday. My Dr. wants me to have a more cardio workout. Well for me right now Curves is a cardio workout.
I am down 30lbs. I did have a stall and a gain, but I found out that when I get all my protein in and most of my water the weight comes off. I was really upset about the gain, but was reassured that it happens. I was told to stay off the scale, but find this hard to do. If I can deal with the ups and downs then I will continue weighing myself daily.
I go back to work Feb 2. I'm anxious to get back into a routine. I know that this will help with the weight loss.

Hi All,
6 weeks out tomorrow, and have lost 27 pounds. I saw the Dr. yesterday and I was upset at only 27 lbs lost. She said think about it 27 pounds in 6 weeks, if you did that every 6 weeks you'd be down 108 pounds in 6 months. She said it will really slow down now and be about 8 -10 pounds this month. I'm doing good, had bad stomach flu last wee****pt trying to throw up but nothing would come up. The doctor said it was because the flu was in my old stomach and there was nothing there to throw up, but it will still make you have the dry heaves. unbelievable. I'm eating about 3 oz. by volume at a meal and I'm doing good with everything as long as it is moist and well chewed. I can not start pasta or rice until 12 weeks out, and no bread until 1 year. It's interesting to see how different all of our doctors eating plans are. have a hard time getting in all my liquids, back at work and time seems to fly by and all of the sudden its been 3 hours and I haven't had a drink. Need to work on that. Glad everyone is doing well.