6 weeks out & feeling pain in my tummy
Hi everyone,
I am having a pain in my tummy and I'm not sure what it is from. I wore pants yesterday that were tight around the waist and today I feel a pain about an inch below my incision and the area is sore to touch. I wonder if any of you have had that from wearing tight clothes. They weren't even that tight. I got scared thinking what if the stitches inside popped, because I've had episodes of vomitting when trying real foods ( not pureed). Does this sound like something that has happened to anyone? Lee
I wore a suit today. I had to pull up the skirt a little higher on my stomach to keep the skirt from falling off.
I experienced the same thing you're describing. I was uncomfortable and my stomach felt physically sore.
When Itried to drink some liquids in the car and I felt nauseus. I came home and took it off right away. I think that because I've been wearing sweatpants and low rise jeans for the past 5 weeks I've never encountered this.
Hope this helps,

I had lap RNY the same day as you. I am ok, but my daughter had it in a different city a month before me and she has had alot of pain and vomiting. You did not say how often you are vomiting. You should tell your surgeon's office if it is more than occassionally. My daughter has had to get a balloon twice to stretch her stoma which was made too small.(it had no scars or adhesions) She vomited for 8 hrs last week, and after extensive tests, they concluded she now has a very inflammed digestive tract from everything she has been through, and GERD. Now she is taking Prevacid (opening capsules and putting in food or liquid)
Pay close attention to your intake and your body....TRUST YOUR BODY, and call your Dr. if/as needed. Good luck
I have the same pain you are describing. I had my surgery two weeks after yours and I cannot wear anything around my waist. I went to work three weeks after surgery and I have been wearing huge shirts or sweaters to cover up the fact that my pants aren't zipped while I'm sitting. The pain was bad enough that had by PCP prescribe liquid Tylenol with Codeine. L-