your pouch your throat
Just where is our pouch???? The last three days I don't care how small of a baby bite I take things are hanging as soon as I swallow. Right below my neck. I know thats a long way from the pouch. I think I have made it sore. I am going back on liquids until I think every thing is ok....Any one else with this problem?
First was tuna salad and I've been eating that for weeks.
Second diced turkey lunch meat
Third tiny piece of chicken out of gumbo
Drinking water is ok. Cottage cheese mixed with yogurt is ok......
Maybe not far alone to do solids but I see others doing solids long before me. These are small bites.
Yeah, I get the same feeling usually if I eat too big of a piece of chicken or shrimp. I can feel it right in my esophagus. I usually end up bringing it right back up but for the past few days I have let it go down and try to stay down. After I get that feeling, usually my next meal is usually something small or liquids.
My nutritionist said that its from me not chewing well.
It should be 25-30 chews before swallowing. I am working on the chewing though.

I have had the same feelings. It feels like bubbles or something in my throat. I have like a gurgling feeling in my throat when I eat. It has gotten better over time, but I know exactly how you feel. I find that drinking something warm like hot tea helps all of my plumbing relax and things go down easier.
Take care,,
Yes, I know what you mean. I chew my food like crazy and wait about 2 minutes between bites. But I still get that backed-up feeling into my throat and I'm not eating the amount I'm supposed to. Maybe a 1/4 - 1/3 cup of meat and no room for fruit and/or vegetable. Some foods are worse than others. And I stop when I'm full. I have to sit real still after eating or else I start to feel sick. Is this normal?
Hi, I just had my gb on 12/29. I've been having the same problems for the last 1 1/2 weeks. The food gets stuck right at the base of the throat and between the breast bone. Mine is a result of a hiatal hernia that was repaired as part of my surgery. I am going in for a scoping (stretching of the esophagus) next week. You may want to ask your doctor about using Reglan. It's supposed to be taken 4x a day about 30 minutes before meals to help open you up.