Yippeee Pureed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ff refried beans with low fat cheese
chicken vegitable soup with an extra can of white chicken meat in a blender. It makes about 5 3-4 oz serviings. I separate it and freeze it.
Bean with bacon soup with extra canned ham. Blended and separated just like the chicken soup.
Beef stew just like the other two.
cottage cheese, sf apple sauce, cinamon and a sprinkle of splenda. (taste like chese danish to me)
one meatball, small amount of spagetti sauce, cheese, in the blender.
just a few....I had to be creative to get through the pureed period. I have one more wee****il solids.
I sure did. I had Dr Kam. What room were you in? I was in 204. Mine was at 6 am. I do remember seeing a few ladies doing there laps. May have been you. I remember this one lady I believe she had on red socks. She was really moving. I did see a few guys they were doing circles around me. I was released that Thursday around 1p.m. When is your next appoinment? mine is Feb 9.