Early Stalls
Hey Meagan!!
God am I glad to hear it is not just me!! I have been beating myself up the last 3 days trying to figure out what I was doing wrong that made the weight loss stop already. I am 4.5 weeks out & have lost 29 lbs. but I just can't get the scale to go to 30 #s. I have had to put 2 new holes in my belt, tighten my bras, and my shoes are all getting too big though! I guess I just have to be patient. I am desperately trying to get in all the water, but it is so hard. I take my vits. everyday, & I am doing pretty good on the protein. I have started trying to eat some chicken & seafood to get regular protein as I am getting tired of the shakes. I go on the 23rd to get my g-tube removed!! YEAH!! IT has really started hurting, but the doc says that is because of the weight loss & therefore the gube has more room to move around. Whatever the reason, I am really looking forward to next Mon.!! Anyway, just wanted to let you know you are not alone. We just have to keep our spirits up & be comforted in the knowledge that it is coming off & will continue to - even when the scale doesn't move as fast as we want. Best of luck!!
I've stalled for the last week and a half, but I personally think it's because I got my monthlies and I retain water and bloat like crazy. It's just started moving again now that I've finished.
Ladies a question for you as well. Did you have a heavier than normal or longer lasting monthly once it came back after surgery? I'd really like to know. Thanks.
Carol G. in Augusta
I am right there with you!!!! My PMS is so much worse I'm having muscle spasms that are keeping me awake all night for days at a time. I also have put on 5 pounds of water weight I am miserable feeling tired and crampy all the time. I hope this goes away soon!!!! I have actually had to take a muscle relaxer to get any sleep. I didn't expect this at all I asked my dietician thinking it may be due to a vitamin deficincy she didn't have any real good answer for me. The positive thing is it will be over soon. I also had major symptoms when I ovulated. That was the first time that has happened. Anyway I feel for you and you are not alone.
Today is 3 weeks post op for me. I've been stuck at -26 lbs the past week. I lost 11 lbs before surgery then another 15 right after surgery, so I'm not getting discouraged (yet! lol). I've been experimenting with foods that may not have been the best choices for the past couple of days, but I could only eat a very small amount, like chili and crackers, shaved lunch meats, baked potatoes with fat free butter and cheese. I know my diet has to get better, but it seems like forever since I've had any real food, and was ready to eat something. Today I woke up with the determination that I'm going to eat what is good for my body and try to ignore the head hungar. My goal is to make it through today!
Also, I hurt myself right after surgery over-exercising. I have taken 2 weeks off, and I'm sure that has a lot to do with why the scales haven't moved again. My soreness is completely gone, so I plan to start back slowly today. My doctor kept emphasizing to me to only weigh once a month. I'm beginning to think I need to heed his advice on that.
I am ready to see the scales start moving again, though.

I too have been having issues with my weight stalling. I had surgery on 12/06/05. I lost 11 lbs in the first week, which was great and then the rest of the month the lbs came off as 1 or 2 lbs a week. I did make it to 20 lbs lost by 5 weeks, but I still felt like it should be coming off faster. I lost only 1 lb earlier this week and was feeling the same way. I kicked my butt in to gear and started getting more exercise and the weight started coming off faster. I lost 2 lbs in the past 2 days. If I exercise every day I lose about 1/2 - 1 lb a day. If I don't exercise I lose about 1 - 2 lbs a week. I knew it wasn't going to be easy and I guess I am not going to be one of those people that the weight just falls off of even when they do not exercise. You have to get moving. I also have a scale addiction so my husband is going to hide the 3 sets of scales we have in the house and I won't have access to them until my 2 month anniversary (2/6/06). As long as you are getting in your fluids, getting in enough protein, not cheating with food choices, and getting enough exercise it will come off. You just have to keep moving forward and find what works for you.