What's a girl to do?
When I saw my Dr for my post-op check...I told him that I feel
most of the time. I'm doing a little better today, but the idea of eating makes me feel sick let alone the actual eating. I'm not doing very good with drinking my fluids either. He said about 5% of WLS patients suffer from this "morning sickness" which is more like all day sickness actually. And it could last up to 3 months
The Nutritionist wants me to eat 3-5 meals including 2 fruits and 1 vegatable. I can't do that, I really can't. In fact I am so light-headed I can't even exercise or do much of anything. She said she will call me tomorrow to see how I'm doing. But, I am so frustrated! I was doing much better 1 week out than I am doing now. I thought it could be the yucky puree food I was on post-op, so my Dr advanced my diet. All I have been able to eat and keep down is sliced cheese (which doesn't help with my constipation!). I want to feel better and start walking again (had to stop because I feel like I will pass out). Anyone else have or has had this problem?