feeling of loss? (and I don't mean weight - lol)
Hi everyone,
I'm scheduled for surgery Wed. morning and I have been having the weirdest feelings tonight. It's almost like a sense of loss! I was with my family and they were all eating and I sat there sipping my drink (liquid diet for 2 days) and started thinking about all the things I'll never be able to have again and -- and this is really twisted -- how even when I can have some things again, I won't be able to really enjoy them by taking a great big bite and eating a lot of it. I know this is just sick sick sick and is what got me here in the first place and it's not even that I'm craving anything in particular...
Logically, I know I'll be happier and healthier after surgery and I don't feel a GREAT sense of loss but I'm just sort of shocked it's here and that it's rearing its head now. Am I totally crazy or is anyone else feeling this too?
Oh my. It has only been 5 since my surgery, and yesterday I was thinking about my old friend Food. I was thinking how much I was going to miss everything about eating. I don't want to go into details, but I had too many thoughts about what I was going to be missing. GOOD NEWS- today I was over it and thinking about thin. Being able to bend over with ease, shopping in a regular department, sitting in a booth, and just feeling so much better. So yes I guess it is normal. Then again, maybe not!
Becca, you are normal. I had my surgery on the 19th and although I would never think of cheating, the two day food-fest this weekend was difficult for me. I, too, cling to the logic and know it will get better, but I have mourned food a little over the weekend. I just know it is going to get better!
Hi Becca,
I had my surgery 12/12 and went through what you describe right before i started the liquid diet. I suddenly had this undefineable sense of loss of about food, about saying goodbye to the me I was, saying goodbye to that lifestyle to start a new one (see profile LOL). I got through by, as another poster said, sticking with the logic of it all. I made a big long list of all the reasons I was doing this, and prioritized them, and stared at the list! I also reasoned that I was NOT never going to eat again, just differently. I am still expecting to enjoy food (once I am done recovering), just in smaller amounts, or different things. Now that the surgery is over the sense of loss is not bothering me, I just get a little fearful of the future at times. I havn't missed taking big bites. I missed some social things that go with food during the holiday but i expect that will be much resolved by next year!
So, if you are crazy, than so are the rest of us! But actually, I think we are the ones who are smart, and brave, and ready to do what it takes for a better, healthier life.
All my best,
You are so normal- I had surgery 12/12 and I miss food! Over the holidays I definately had a nibble here and there, but overall, it's really just the emotional tie to food that I am having trouble with. I'm not hungry- but I still crave. Just remember that other than sugar products, which are always going to a no-no, you can eat anything after surgery! Just in tiny, tiny amounts...and obviously, within reason- no more fast food!
I'm craving GOOD food, like grilled fish, and green beans garnished with lemon- stuff that I know all the ingredients of! You have to remember that WLS does not mean the end of eating- it just means the beginning of healthful eating!
Hi all,
This is especially hard because of the holiday. My family are all big eaters. They rhapsodized about how good the food was. Had arguments about who is the best cook. Pulled out cookbooks and talked about recipes they planned on cooking. Showing no sensitivity towards my plight.
I wanted the pound cake, cookies and sweet potatoe pie with every fiber of my being.
I took two bites of sorta dry pureed dressing and duck...I was full!
Today, was my first pre-op appointment and I am down 18lbs for a total of 28lbs. Nothing will taste as good as thin feels!